For the prepper, no Nalgene is complete without a Nalgene water filter. These convert a basic, high-capacity water bottle into a survival tool able to turn dirty, unsafe water into …
As the currently-popular Steven Crowder meme goes, “change my mind”. In the interests of upping everyone’s basic preparedness, I hereby proffer the following five items that practically no human has …
So you’re at work when everyone stops what they’re doing, lights are out, mobile phones are suddenly down and all you see are stunned looks. People start heading for the …
An inquiry came in recently about a past review posting on the Remington Tac-14 shotgun. In the photos that accompanied the article, the Tac-14 was shown with a sling installed and …
The Sidewinder military flashlight is not the only tactical light option out there but it is a very common one. The market for high-end, weapon-grade flashlights is vast and varied. …
The oft quoted proverb “Don’t sweat the small stuff, but it’s all small stuff,” often ignores the common sense point that sometimes forgetting to take care of some of the …
Preppers most often tend to concentrate on the more exotic aspects of prep and survival gearing up. We get all the bases covered with water stocks, food supplies, defense weaponry, …
An essential element in building up a comprehensive prepper supply is to include on a planning list a stock of all sorts and types of hardware items. You can have …
Survival tools is a very large and varied subject to tackle. One man’s wrench is another man’s pair of pliers. It’s also hard to focus on just one classification of …
From time to time the prepper crew at SHTF Blog runs across a number of product items that really work well. The deal is that these pieces of gear, guns, …
In the world of low-caliber rifles, the G22 Bullpup is a great choice. The rifle is accurate, sleek, and reliable. For survival applications, such a rifle may be lacking. No matter …
It’s almost time for winter here in the Northeast. That means lots of fun outdoor activities, but one of the easiest is snow shoeing. If you ever get the opportunity, …
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