An inquiry came in recently about a past review posting on the Remington Tac-14 shotgun. In the photos that accompanied the article, the Tac-14 was shown with a sling installed and readers wanted to know the part combinations used to complete this accessory fine tuning. It’s really pretty simple. This is the really easy part. Since I am a fan of OEM parts, I searched for a while at local outlets to find a factory Remington magazine cap that has the built in sling attachment point.
by Dr. John J. Woods, a contributing writer
Front Sling Attachment
This is simply a replacement cap for the 870 shotgun that includes a stud in the cap with a hole for a standard screw lock loop sling holder to attach.
Simply replace the no sling post cap with the new one. Unscrew the attachment bar lock on the standard one inch sling loop and insert the loop bar through the hole. Screw down the sling loop lock and wahla, you’re done on the front end of the shotgun.
Rear Sling Attachment

For the rear sling attachment, go to www.gggaz.com and search the accessory parts for the Remington 870 shotgun. You will find a subcategory for the Tac-14 model. There you will find a push button quick detachable point pin that replaces the rear trigger group pin. The trigger group pin is simply tapped out with a hammer and appropriate punch.
Once out, replace with the QD part and lock down the opposite side with the provided screw and Allen wrench. Don’t over-tighten it. Done. Know that this QD point does stick out from the side of the 870 action frame. It is not flush. This QD sling attachment point comes with one standard or angled sling attachment loop. Tie in the other end of the sling and you are ready to go.
Related: Stuff that Works Remingtion 870 Shotgun
Add a Vero Vellini neoprene sling for extreme carry comfort. In practice, I found that reversing the usual way to attach and carry a sling permits the Tac-14’s barrel to point down rather than up toward the head and face. This may seem odd, but do it and you’ll see. The wide part of the sling goes to the rear of the shotgun, the thinner part up front.
Other Tac-14 Options
Seeing the popularity of the Remington Tac-14, GG&G has already begun adding new accessories. One is a side plate shell holder that has the option of the above sling attachment point or just the shell holder alone. I eventually intend to add the shell holder with the QD point. This gives the user 5 additional shot shells at the ready to reload.
Another good idea is to add the grip panels for the Tac-14 as sold by Talon Grips. These rubberized stick on grip pieces peel off the paper to be applied to the Magpul pump slide up front, and the pistol grip as well. Stick them on, heat them with a hair dryer and the grip control is enhanced considerably.
The Remington Tac-14 is handy shotgun for home protection, personal defense and bug out vehicle carry. It is also now available in 20 gauge in addition to 12 gauge. I just wish it had choke tubes.
More Shotgun Information
Want way more shotgun information? Read Shotguns: A Buyer’s and Shooter’s Guide by SHTFblog writer, Steve Markwith.
An alternative for rear sling attachment, use UNCLE MIKES Flush Mount Swivel Base,
installed on rear stock.
To carry extra ammo: Velcro Backed 12GA Shotgun Card from http://www.originalsoegear.com
Give me. Link for the replacement cap got the 870 tech 14 shotgun that included a stud in the cap with a hole for a standard screw lock loop sling holder to attach.