The .300 Blackout is an effective round that bridges some of the wide gap between a .223 and a .308 as well as allowing an AR15 platform rifle to encroach on …
Derrick James
So you’re at work when everyone stops what they’re doing, lights are out, mobile phones are suddenly down and all you see are stunned looks. People start heading for the …
How many times have you gone out on a trip, whether it be a survival trip or a vacation trip, and you have returned home only to dump your luggage …
For years there were three roads to go about procuring an AKM, AK-47, or AK-74 in the US. The first being that you could buy an import. For years that …
An inquiry came in recently about a past review posting on the Remington Tac-14 shotgun. In the photos that accompanied the article, the Tac-14 was shown with a sling installed and …
The Sidewinder military flashlight is not the only tactical light option out there but it is a very common one. The market for high-end, weapon-grade flashlights is vast and varied. …
The oft quoted proverb “Don’t sweat the small stuff, but it’s all small stuff,” often ignores the common sense point that sometimes forgetting to take care of some of the …
After the continued and quite satisfying success of my Epic Pure pitcher-type filter, I decided to look to Epic again when it came time to upgrade my home water filtration. …
I was reading an article the other day about how a human born today may have the opportunity to live for a 1000 years. It seemed pretty far fetched but …
Fire is one of the earth’s four cardinal elements and mythology is filled with stories of how mankind got their hands on it in the first place. We do know …
If not at the top of prepper lists, certainly food stocks are very close. Most preppers understand the basic necessity for water first, but in short order people are going …
Preppers most often tend to concentrate on the more exotic aspects of prep and survival gearing up. We get all the bases covered with water stocks, food supplies, defense weaponry, …
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