Long-time preppers know that the Latter-day Saints were prepping well before “prepping” was a household term. Storing supplies and being ready for unexpected events has been a central philosophy to …
Derrick James
Making flavored butter at home isn’t something you would typically find me striving to do. Hell, making any food at home isn’t something I strive to do. But when the …
If you’re new to prepping, you have no doubt encountered the acronym SHTF at some point. But what is SHTF? Understanding SHTF is more than just what the letters stand …
Mexico is the eleventh largest producer of oil in the world and the thirteenth-largest in the exportation of oil. It has the seventeenth-largest oil reserves and is the fourth largest …
Everyone here likely knows that the best way to survive in any situation is to be prepared for it. So, today we decided to remind us of the most important …
A sleep system has always been a mainstay in my bug out bag. If you need to overnight somewhere, you will be a lot happier (and a lot more effective …
I have been very fortunate in my short life to be able to some things not everyone gets the opportunity to do. I have studied engineering, geology, and medicine. I …
I don’t know about you, but I always get a laugh out of those dystopian stories where survivors are dirty and ragged just a month after whatever cataclysmic event occurred. …
Since body armor is life-saving gear, if you are going to wear it, you cannot neglect its quality and performance. This doesn’t just apply to law enforcement officers who use …
I love abandoned places, so the opportunity to swing across the Luxembourg border to see Beaufort Castle was an opportunity I could not pass up. Medieval Beaufort Castle Beaufort Castle …
Part of being a prepper is being able to defend yourself and your family from threats. Many preppers feel more secure with a supply of firearms and wouldn’t dream of …
Next to prostitution, begging is probably one of the oldest professions known. Can it be seen as a survival skill? Let’s look at how to panhandle. Whenever a country is …
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