Next to prostitution, begging is probably one of the oldest professions known. Can it be seen as a survival skill? Let’s look at how to panhandle.
Whenever a country is falling apart and people are in desperate need for help, some women turn to prostitution. In these instances, when it’s a matter of financial necessity, it’s called survival sex. That’s quite different from other scenarios made by choice, say, for example, being a hobo stripper.
Men, on the other hand, may turn to crime. Most people, however will first try to panhandle. It’s not a noble activity, of course, generally associated with the homeless, mentally ill, and drug addicts, but it can get you by if your life takes an unexpected turn.

Before we get into the how of panhandling, let’s first ask the question…
Is it Against the Law to Panhandle?
Municipalities may try to limit panhandling through solicitation laws, but outright bans on panhandling are being struck down in court. See court rulings in Portland, Maine and Cleveland and law enforcement decisions in Dallas. Read here for more information.
How Much Money Can You Make Panhandling?
Panhandling, believe it or not, can be quite lucrative, in some cases yielding $200 a day – or more! Like Irwin Corey, who begs in Manhattan only to give the money away. Then there’s this beggar who told police, “I’m lazy and make $60,000 a year panhandling.
Don’t be fooled into thinking most people make that much, however. See this panhandling survey from Portland, Oregon. We can derive that the average hourly income is about $5.00 an hour.
But with the right knowledge – you can panhandle better. Not only could begging get you by, but you are your own boss. You set your hours. You’re free!
4 Steps to Successful Panhandling
But isn’t the point of prepping to be in a situation where if something goes wrong, you don’t have to beg?
Like all things in life, if you’re going to do it – do it well.
You prep because the unforeseen can happen. Know that. You could have a stable job, some money in the bank, and a pantry full of food, but is anything guaranteed? Everything could be going along great and then – wham – you lose your job, you get sick, you’re on the verge of eviction, and the kids are getting hungry. What can you do!?
Swallow your pride and prepare to panhandle.
Here are 4 Steps to Get You Started
1 – Find the Right Location
- Like the first rule of how to panhandle is the same as the first rule in real estate investing – location, location, location. Find a place with lots of traffic. That could be an intersection where cars stop a lot, or a street corner or subway station with foot traffic. The upside to asking at traffic intersections is you don’t have to talk to people. The downside is it’s easier for people to ignore you. Try multiple locations, the intersection at rush hour and the street corner at lunch time.
- Research has shown that men give more to panhandlers than women. Maybe women are more intimidated? Who knows? But if you need to focus your efforts, focus on men.
- Middle class areas are ideal. The poor can’t afford to give. The rich are more apt to ignore you (or call the police). College towns are also good. Students are naive and idealistic.
- Be mobile. Don’t use the same spot too often. You’ll annoy store owners or just become part of the background. Mix it up. You might even consider going seasonal. Hit New York City in the Summer, then D.C. by fall, then Miami by winter.
- Know the law. Many cities have instituted restrictions on panhandling.
- Positioning yourself outside a store that is likely to give shoppers loose change can help. Many people don’t carry cash anymore, and they don’t want to carry change.
2 – Dress the Part
- Match your story. If you’re a disabled veteran, wear an old military jacket. The danger here (if you’re lying) is that a true veteran may ask you specifics about your service.
- Don’t look like a bum. If you’re too gross, too smelly, or too repulsive, people are going to think you’re a drug addict, only caring about your next bump. Comb your hair and wash your face.
3 – Get a Sign
- Be creative. Make the giver feel good. “Homeless – please help” will not be as effective as “Your help is appreciated.”
- Be bold. Make the lettering big and easy to read.
- Use cardboard. It’s free. It’s classic.
4 – Make the Ask
- Be nice. Saying please and thank you is a given, but make sure people also see you pick up trash, talk kindly to police officers, and help old ladies across the street.
- Have a story. There is nothing worse than a general ask. Stand outside a pizza shop and ask for money to buy a slice. Stand outside a bus station and ask for money to get to San Diego. You get the idea.
- Ask for an odd amount of money. “Can you spare forty cents?” is more effective than “Can you spare a quarter?” People assume you have a good reason to ask for that amount.
- Try humor. “Insult me for a dollar” might work. “Need money to finish ninja training” might also work. Test different sayings.
More How to Panhandle Helpful Hints
- Stay safe. Panhandlers are robbed a lot. Hide the cash on yourself, ideally in multiple locations, some under your hat, in a belt, in your socks.
- Supplement your begging by utilizing other resources. Ask for money to buy a slice of pizza, but when it’s your lunch break, go to the food pantry or soup kitchen to eat.
- If you can play an instrument, juggle, or have some similar talent, put that to use as part of your ask. This becomes less about begging and more about street performance, but it can work.
- Don’t ask for money while smoking, drinking, or doing anything that shows frivolous use of money.
- Take extra precautions if you’re a woman, for obvious reasons. Beg in very busy areas, and never after dark.
- Don’t give up! If one street corner doesn’t work, panhandle another. Stay persistent and you’ll find a system that works.
Begging isn’t an easy life. It’s not an admirable life. People don’t typically do it out of choice. But – life can throw curve balls. Where you are today may not be where you are tomorrow. The unexpected happens. This is, after all, why we prep in the first place.
Thank you for the good tips I’m so nervous but I really need a motel room to stay in….
Good luck. Let us know how it goes.
Thanks for the information. I am a female retired double amputee who’s rental home just got sold and have 30 days to move. I’m going to give it a shot. I really have no other options.
Thank you, awaiting disability, have spine issues with residual nerve damage and good days and bad days , very depressed because career is at an end , need to work for myself!
Lost my job have nephrological problems waiting for ssdi
Thank you very much for this article, which is very helpful.
Desperate times, call for desperate measures.
I have been exhausted all the help resources, including Government Agencies, churches, and friends, without getting help, and my Certified Service Dog and I are homeless on the street, and barely surviving, because I can’t go to congregational accommodations.
He has been diagnosed with Kidney Failure Stage 2, and I need financial help, so he can get his treatments, be comfortable, and live longer.
I have no family in the whole world, and I have been turned down by Social Security for Disability Benefits; therefore, we are barely surviving, and we also need help to be able to stay at the Red Roof Inn hotel, where we get low rates.
This is going to be my first time panhandling, but if this is the way to be able to live, without just surviving, I will take the chance.
Thank you very much.
God Bless You!
That sounds rough. Best of luck to you.
I’m in West Texas terrifying to go fly a sign on the side panhandle or whatever it is called. I’m disabled and on SSI. And I’m unable to work due to my physical and mental health diagnosis and I only make a tad bit over$800.00 a month I’ve had to do a voluntary repo cuz I’m living under my elderly and vunerable parents so I can help them cuz my sister doesn’t want to. And I also have to pay my parents for rent each month and I never have enough money for my other needs. So I may not have a choice but to panhandle and I’m scared to get into any trouble cuz I’ve always avoided anything that may lead to trouble.
That’s rough, for sure. Is it possible to find a job of any kind?
I’ve been panhandling for a long time since I was nineteen and I was homeless. I don’t do it unless I absolutely have to. I found that being honest with the people is the best way. it does help if you have something to wear that says you are not a dirtbag. I thought I would share one I enjoyed. Bettcha can’t hit me with a quarter
At the age of 65 I have recently (the last two months) . I actually had a job however lost it when I was injured. LONG STORY. I also have tried to apply for all types of programs through my local social services. THAT IS A NIGHTMARE!!!! I receive a very small amount of social security so I have to panhandle out of necessity so I can have a roof over my head. not all people who are panhandling are just looking for help with alcohol or drug money. some of us like a roof over our heads!!!!