Survival Camouflage as SHTF Fashion is Survival Sexy

by Derrick James

Survivalism is surging in popularity leading to a big wave in SHTF fashion. Some even claim preppers are obsessed with clothes.

Blame global warming, peak oil, population growth, the economy or just widespread lunacy, but it’s happening. The wealthy are into it, too. Tom Cruise built a hoity toity bunker, John Malone has a SHTF retreat and camouflage is all the fashion rage.

Women’s Camo Fashion

The most obvious sign of this trend is in camouflage. Gone are the days of camo being relegated the jungles of Vietnam. Camouflage is everywhere, from city streets to catwalks. Women in particular are latching onto camo, and we’re not talking bug out clothes for women here, we’re talking full on leisure wear, designer clothes, and even wedding gowns!

woman in camo jeans
Recognize that camo pattern? Me neither.

Do I actually know much about fashion? No, but people tell me Paris Hilton knows a lot about fashion.

Paris Hilton camo top
Is she ready for the apocalypse or just a day at the beach?

Beyonce is even into camo.

beyonce camo SHTF fashion

The era of camouflage clothing being associated with BDU clothing on soldiers and sketchy guys (or for hunters) is LONG over. Camouflage clothing is much more than that now.

Enter the era of the camo-babe!

camo babe
Dress, gown, or camo rug?

Female camouflage fashion can be had in many ways. Add camo pattern, red/pink colors, and high heel shoes.

The more original woman can even assemble camo fashion from clothes that aren’t even camo. Just pick camo-themed colors and shazam!

jungle girl
Jungle girl blends into the background – camo?

You can even have a camouflage themed wedding. Why not?

camo wedding dress

Businesses are built around camouflage themed weddings.

But do you know what’s better than a camouflage dress? A camouflage bikini, of course.

Camouflage fashion isn’t a female only thing. It also applies to men. Soldiers? Nope.

man camo shorts

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Chinasyndrome September 25, 2010 - 12:48 pm

Love the camo.


Bubblehead Les September 26, 2010 - 4:10 am

Too bad the trend for kids on my Campus is Plaid this season. Only people wearing Camo are the Rednecks and the Military Vets. But it does help to separate the Sheeple from the Sheep Dogs….

No ME Preppy September 26, 2010 - 12:41 pm

There are exceptions to the rule in both of those camps. Not to mention wolves as well. There’s a dressvode for the students where I work. The only camo you’ll see is on the military prep students. And of course the military recruiters as well.

Hokie Magnum September 26, 2010 - 12:18 pm

Just when I thought I couldn’t *heart* this blog any more….

Wendy September 28, 2010 - 3:59 am

Oh, good grief! When I was in the military we lived for time off so that we could change “out” of our BDUs … of course, if I’d had that bikini I might have made an exception to the rule ;).

And some one should tell Beyonce that camo and those shoes really don’t go together. She should have gone with a high heeled, ankle boot or something ;).

mike from the uk September 28, 2010 - 7:23 pm

Hey, now I know my drill sergeant was a bit weird… the last pic… thats what he made me wear….
I knew it wasn’t standard Army issue…
I feel so violated I could cry…
still for a guy I look fab in a mankini!!!


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