Prepper Fiction Books – A Complete List

by Trevor Holewinski
prepper fiction feature

Who doesn’t enjoy a good piece of prepper fiction? The stories often involve characters testing their limits of survival against all odds in increasingly dire circumstances.

For those who have exhausted their own personal library already and are looking for more prepper-centric stories, we’ve compiled a (working) complete list of the prepper fiction books out there!

Note: like with all of our other “complete” lists, this list cannot be complete without readers’ input. We’ve certainly missed some and there are more being published. Leave a comment on any book we’ve missed, but first call attention to the fact that the book you’re suggesting may already be on our list of post-apocalyptic books.

For our purposes here we’re going to make a distinction between what we term “prepper fiction” and post-apocalyptic fiction. While post-apocalyptic fiction typically entails the world well after the apocalypse, we’re differentiating.

Here, prepper fiction refers to books that are about, during, or immediately after a collapse.

How many of the below have you read? Let us know in the comments below!

Complete List of Prepper Fiction Books


The Preparation (299 Days) by Glen Tate

299 Days (Glen Tate) – This 10-book series involves Grant Matson – a government employee and prepper – who can foresee an impending collapse within the US. As a result, he gradually begins making preparations, much to his wife’s chagrin. His foreboding proves true, however, as the US crumbles into a WROL situation.

Out at his cabin, a small band of survivors gathers. It’s only after war erupts that Grant realizes that this is more than just about his survival. This is about the survival of America as well.


After the Fall Series (David Nees)

After the Fall Series (David Nees) An EMP attack leaves the US without power, and now Jason must fight to survive in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains where he’ll (hopefully) be safe from the anarchy of the valleys below.

A Great State (Shelby Gallagher)

A Great State (Shelby Gallagher) – As Julie Atwood slowly builds a life of resilience for herself and her son, a civil war erupts within the US, plunging her world into chaos. Now she has to use the skills and gear that she’s been prepping with all this time in order to stay alive as she fights to get her family to an isolated cabin in the Rockies.

After the Shift Series (Grace Hamilton)

After the Shift Series (Grace Hamilton) – After the Earth’s crust shifts, leaving what was once the North Pole in the middle of the Atlantic, the world is plunged into a new ice age in this trilogy. Humanity attempts to outrun the cold, and mechanic Nathan Tolley is among them. Together with his prepper wife, asthmatic son, and new baby, they do everything they can to find a warm place to settle down for what looks to be a never-ending freeze.

Alone Together (Robert Hill)

Alone Together (Robert Hill) – A 13-year-old boy must learn to cope with the world around him after an EMP strikes. In an instant, all of civilization changes, as mankind quickly becomes dangerous, even for a young kid.

Alpha Farm Series (Annie Berdel)

Alpha Farm Series (Annie Berdel) – Emma is a woman working a high stress corporate job. Due to her desire to become self-sufficient and her feeling that God wants her to move to a more rural location, she moves to a farm and becomes invested in prepping.

After an EMP strike leaves America without electricity, she’s glad she did. Things only devolve from there as Senator Varga moves into the community with his own personal army. Emma must do what she can to not only survive starvation, but to fight off a tyrannical force as well.

American Meltdown (Mark Goodwin)

American Meltdown (Mark Goodwin)America is on the verge of bankruptcy, and the Bair family must do what it takes to prepare for financial collapse of what was once a great nation. As society falls into a full-blown collapse, the President of the United States orders the unconstitutional confiscation of all guns and “hoards”. The end result – as expected – is a civil war.

Ava’s Crucible Series (Mark Goodwin)

Ava’s Crucible Series (Mark Goodwin)After Antifa sparks a civil war within the US, Ava and her small group of friends start an insurgency movement to put a limit to the domestic enemies/Deep State forces who are tearing the US apart.

Like most of Goodwin’s books, a very entertaining and fast-paced story that has a strong emphasis on the spiritual realm.


The Beginning of Sorrows Series (Mark Goodwin)

The Beginning of Sorrows Series (Mark Goodwin)Joshua Stone is a high-level agent who is being briefed on the new world order. A global currency is to be instituted, and a single government will now absorb all of the nations across the globe. In order for this plan to work however, first chaos has to be orchestrated across the earth so that people are more than willing to fall under the safety of the umbrella of the new world order.

Stone is given the task of infiltrating anti-NWO activists within America, soon realizing that he may not be on the right side after all.

The Beginning of the End (Michael Snyder)

The Beginning of the End (Michael Snyder) – A dedicated prepper and his friends find themselves in the midst of a shadow war between two secret organizations who seek to rule the world. After they discover that one of those organizations has a plan for the largest terrorist attack in US history, they must quickly figure out how they can best prepare to survive while doing what they can to stop the enemy.

Black Swan Series (Mark Goodwin)

Black Swan Series (Mark Goodwin)After hyperinflation leads to the collapse of the American economic system, violence rocks the USA. Peoples’ life savings are vaporized overnight. Homes are lost. Essential goods are unable to be procured. And for country singer Shane Black, that means learning how to become self-sufficient as he attempts to survive in a world gone crazy.

Brushfire Plague (RP Ruggiero)

Brushfire Plague (RP Ruggiero) – Cooper Adams attempts to organize a neighborhood defense force as a deadly plague sweeps across the globe, killing millions. Now, they must do what it takes to stay alive, as they race against time before the virus strikes their homes too.

Borrowed World Series (Franklin Horton)

Borrowed World Series (Franklin Horton) – In this eight-book series, Jim Powell is an avid prepper who understands that it’s only a matter of time before disaster strikes. It’s when this southern Virginian attends a conference in northern Virginia and a terrorist strike takes place that he realizes just how right he was.

Now, 250 miles from home, Jim Powell must find a way to get him and his group of survivors back to their families. This book series is actually part of a shared universe of disaster fiction written by Horton including the Locker Nine and Mad Mick series.

Bugging Out to Nowhere (Paylie Roberts)

Bugging Out to Nowhere (Paylie Roberts) – Rachel and Tom flee into the countryside as America’s economy collapses. They’re one day too late, however, and now violence erupts around them. They’ve prepped for such an event for years, always hoping that the worst would never happen. Now it has, and they’ll have to discover whether or not they did enough while they still could.


The Cascade Preppers (AR Shaw)

The Cascade Preppers (AR Shaw) – Written in 2013, this trilogy examines the actions of a small band of survivors after a weaponized bird flu escapes out of China. Survivors have to figure out not only how to cope with each other, but also how to deal with asymptomatic carriers, dangerous animals, and a world that is hostile to the core.

Cyber Armageddon Series (Mark Goodwin)

Cyber Armageddon Series (Mark Goodwin)Kate McCarthy is a cyber analyst who has seen enough red flags to know that something very bad is about to happen. Her intuition proves correct after a cyber-attack completely devastates the American financial network, leaving the populace unable to purchase food, gas, medicine, or other basic necessities.

Now Kate must not only figure out what she needs to do to survive, but she must face other more sinister obstacles along the way as well.

CyberStorm (Matthew Maher)

CyberStorm (Matthew Maher) – Mike Mitchell already struggles to make ends meet paycheck to paycheck. But after a series of well-coordinated cyber-attacks bring the US to its knees, things become that much more dangerous for him and his family, and he’s forced to do what it takes to provide for and defend those he loves most.


Dark Advent (Brian Hodge)

Dark Advent (Brian Hodge) – As a weaponized form of the Black Death travels the globe, people die by the billions. Now, a handful of survivors must make their way through the new world as they attempt to stay alive in a world filled with nightmares.

Dark End (Grace Hamilton)

Dark End (Grace Hamilton) – Part of the Supernova EMP series, here Barnard’s Star has gone supernova, resulting in an EMP that wipes out electricity around the planet. Now, immediately after the supernova has hit, a family must journey to the family survival retreat in West Virginia.

Dark New World Series (JJ Holden/Henry Foster)

Dark New World Series (JJ Holden/Henry Foster) – In this nine-book series, after an EMP attack leaves the US in shambles, three different stories are woven together as the characters each live through their own version of the new world. Cassie is a 33-year-old prepper and single mother who is away from home when the EMP strikes. Ethan is a conspiracy theorist and hacker living in a bunker underground. Frank is camping with friends and family.

All three of these people must make it through the new world alive. This series will tell you their stories.

Dark Titan Series (Thomas Watson)

Dark Titan Series (Thomas Watson) – Described as “the ultimate prepper’s journey,” this series is another EMP survival story (actually a solar storm). Nathan Owens is over 1,000 miles from home. But was the collapse just a simple act of nature or something more sinister? This series, as of this writing, consists of 4 books

The Days of Noah Series (Mark Goodwin)

The Days of Noah Series (Mark Goodwin)As America’s economy collapses and public school teacher Noah Parker is charged with deviating from acceptable school curriculum, he quickly begins to realize that the warnings of societal collapse his wife has been giving him all this time are proving correct. Society is trending towards a one world government as prophecies thousands of years old begin to come to fruition.

Wil Noah be able to survive the New World Order? You’ll have to read this series to find out.

Dead Lines (Grace Hamilton)

Dead Lines (Grace Hamilton) – Part of the 911 Series, this is yet another book by Grace Hamilton detailing what an EMP could look like (she seems to have a fascination with such). Here, Jim Parker is a 911 operator who talks to a kidnapped girl right before an EMP strikes. Now, he must do what it takes to save the girl as the rest of society attempts to deal with the ever-growing panic around them.

Death Wind (William Heine)

Death Wind (William Heine) An airborne virus (that can be carried by wind long distances) obliterates North and South America within the span of a week. Now Gene Arnprior must figure out how he is going to keep his family alive in a very different world.

Deep Winter by Thomas Sherry

Deep Winter (Thomas Sherry) – In this absolutely massive four-book series, a small American family must learn to cope with the new world after a series of earthquakes in the Pacific Northwest completely change the climate of the world.

And as if that’s not enough, America finds itself rocked by the new change to such an extent that a second civil war breaks out. That’s quite a lot to go through for this small family.


Escaping Conflict (Grace Hamilton)

Escaping Conflict (Grace Hamilton) – Part of the Island Refuge EMP series, Elna must figure out how to survive after an EMP strikes while she is tending to the family vineyard on a small island. No food, no water, and a small ragtag bunch of survivors. Do they return to the mainland? Or are they better off making do with where they’re at?

EMP Lodge series (Grace Hamilton)

EMP Lodge series (Grace Hamilton) – After an EMP attack leaves American survivors little short of rabid animals, a young woman and her daughter seek to escape to safety. As the daughter grows ill, they come across an lonely cabin in the middle of nowhere. It’s here that hey hope to find some respite from the chaos all around them.

Equipping Modern Patriots Series (Jonathan Hollerman)

Equipping Modern Patriots Series (Jonathan Hollerman) – In this trilogy, a group of survivors must attempt to make it through a world post-EMP. No electricity of any sort leaves them in a world set back at least 100 years. You have the typical hardcore moral decisions to make, a colonel tasked with bringing back some level of society to a small Pennsylvania town, a band of pillaging rogue Rangers, and more.

Erupting Trouble (Grace Hamilton)

Erupting Trouble (Grace Hamilton) – Part of the EMP Catastrophe Series, and yet another tale of EMP by Grace Hamilton (I guess it sells, so who can blame her?), here Matthew Riley quickly realizes that his ideals of people coming together post-disaster aren’t realistic. After an EMP hits the US, Matthew finds that blood is thicker than water, and that it’s family that he can trust – and no one else.


Families First (Lance Ewing)

Families First (Lance Ewing) – A six-book series, here Lance must do what it takes to lead his family and friends on an 800-mile journey from Texas to a safe-place in the Colorado mountains after an EMP has destroyed the USA. Getting there is their only chance of survival, but the journey threatens to take them out along the way.

If you enjoy “getting home” style prepper fiction, you’ll really enjoy this series.

Farnham’s Freehold (Heinlein)

Farnham’s Freehold (Heinlein) – An older book, here Hugh Farnham sees the clouds of nuclear war gathering. In preparation, he builds a bomb shelter underneath of his house as he awaits nuclear apocalypse. Farnham turns out to be correct in his assumption that nukes are on the way, but what he didn’t expect was for the nukes to tear apart the fabric of space-time, launching his family and shelter into a universe where other humans don’t appear to exist. 

Fire and Ice (Ray Kytle)

Fire and Ice (Ray Kytle) Dave Powers can see that it’s only a matter of time before nuclear power plants throughout America begin to meltdown, and decides to hole up in an isolated mountain cabin to stay alive. His wife thinks he’s crazy, only to soon learn that her husband was right all along, as everything he was afraid of comes to fruition.

Fire From the Sky (NC Reed)

Fire From the Sky (NC Reed) – An 11-book series, a former Army soldier returns home with to his family after 10 years of service. He’s come in possession of information that the world is about to be devastated. A coronal mass ejection is soon to hit the earth and it’s going to leave the entire world without electricity of any kind.

Society must learn to cope with the new world, must learn to survive. And this soldier is going to do whatever it takes to ensure that the people he loves most make it through this all in one piece.

Forgotten Forbidden America (Thomas Watson)

Forgotten Forbidden America (Thomas Watson) – This series (8 books in total) is a bit unique from a prepper fiction perspective because it tells the tale of preppers becoming targets of the government who has taken a turn toward tyranny.


Grid Down Reality Bites (Bruce Hemming)

Grid Down Reality Bites (Bruce Hemming) – A ‘getting home’ novel, here both Mark and Eric must walk 200 miles back to their homes after an EMP leaves their truck dead on the side of the highway. Along the way they’ll face violent gangs, desperate people, and a complete lack of supplies.


Hell’s Children (John Monk)

Hell’s Children (John Monk) – Very akin to Lord of the Flies. After all adults on the globe perish, children are left to inherit the earth. Fourteen-year-old Jack Ferris was taught by his parents how to survive, and now he must put his skills to the test as kids and teenagers across the globe murder each other without hesitation.

Holding Their Own Series (Joe Nobody)

Holding Their Own Series (Joe Nobody) – After the US is plunged into chaos by means of a terrorist strike and economic collapse, former military tough guy Bishop must not only keep him and his wife Terri alive, but must gather his forces to defend the US from splinter groups of the US military who seek to bring America under their own thumb. A fast-paced series that is filled with a lot of humor as well.


Into the Forest by Jean Hegland

Into the Forest (Jean Hagland) – As America slips into war, economic collapse, and devastating pollution, two sisters seek to survive with nothing other than what they can carry in the hills above San Francisco. Then, a young bachelor arrives, and the sisters have to learn if they can stay alive together, or if love will tear their sisterhood apart.


The Jakarta Pandemic (Steven Konkoly)

The Jakarta Pandemic (Steven Konkoly) – In this five-book, indie published series, the world must learn to cope after an engineered bioweapon, H16N1, is released upon the planet. Schools close, grocery stores shut down, and healthcare is stretched to its breaking point as society gradually crumbles into anarchy.

Through it all Alex Fletcher must not only survive but find out just why this is happening in the first place, and, if possible, if there is anything he can do to stop it. This is an incredibly fast paced series, and though I only had the chance to read Book 1, it was fantastic.

If you’re a fan of the Jack Reacher series, or Dan Brown novels you’ll really enjoy this one.

Journal Series (Deborah Moore)

Journal Series (Deborah Moore) – After a massive earthquake leaves America in shambles, the US government begins to prioritize the cities over rural locations. As electricity, food, medical supplies, and other goods are diverted to areas with dense populations, one small town in Michigan must do what it takes to keep its people alive. Widely acclaimed to be a more “realistic” post-disaster book than others out there, this series will help you to see just what a national disaster could look like at your hometown as well.


The Kingdom of Darkness Series (Mark Goodwin)

The Kingdom of Darkness Series (Mark Goodwin) – As alleged terrorist Emilio is led away to a death camp, a massive earthquake strikes the earth. He escapes, only to find that millions across the world have been raptured away. Now Emilio must do what it takes to survive an apocalypse of Biblical proportions: The Tribulation.


Land (Theresa Shaver)

Land (Theresa Shaver) – Part of the Stranded series, a group of students on a field trip must figure out how to make it back to their home in the immediate aftermath of an EMP. A ‘going home’ style prepper book, this six-book series looks at what such may entail for a group of young kids walking 1500 miles in a world of ever-growing danger.

The Last Tribe (Brad Manuel)

The Last Tribe (Brad Manuel) – Only a few survived the pandemic. Daily survival is a struggle in New Hampshire as winter approaches. Greg Dixon, a fourteen-year-old survivor, decides to make a 100-mile walk to try to find his family. There are other survivors along the way.

The Left Behind Series (Tim LaHaye)

The Left Behind Series (Tim LaHaye) – After the Rapture takes place, millions of people across the globe disappear instantly. Planes fall out of skies, cars drive through buildings, and thousands of others are killed in the aftermath. Now a small group of survivors must do what it takes to not only make it through the immediate circumstances, but to make it through The Tribulation as well. Will they succeed? You’ll have to make it through this 12-book series to find out.

Life As We Knew It Series (Susan Pfeffer)

Life As We Knew It Series (Susan Pfeffer) – Written for teenagers, the moon gets too close to earth and a group of families now fight starvation, thirst, and cold, as the dwindling amount of supplies that they’re collected gradually runs out. Personally, I found this series rather depressing, but it most certainly would be a real story for the greater number of Americans post-EMP.

Lights Out (David Crawford)

Lights Out (David Crawford) – A story much akin to One Second After. Here, and EMP wipes out all electricity in America, and a small group of survivors must do what it takes to stay alive: whether that threat be from starvation, or from other survivors.

Locker Nine Series (Franklin Horton)

Locker Nine Series (Franklin Horton) – After a series of coordinated terror attacks completely put a halt to American society, young Grace must do what she can to not only survive an active shooter event at her college campus, but to survive the aftermath as well.

If you enjoy prepper fiction that centers around terrorism, Franklin Horton is your man, and his Locker Nine series will fit what you’re looking for perfectly.

The Long Loud Silence (Wilson Tucker)

The Long Loud Silence (Wilson Tucker) – Written in 1953, here an anonymous nuclear/bioweapon attack leaves the Eastern seaboard of the US completely obliterated. Now, Russel Gary must figure out how to stay alive as plagues, violence, and massive fires continue to move in on his position.

Love in One Night (Rebecca Royce)

Love in One Night (Rebecca Royce) A prepper romance book, here we find Melanie doing her best to prepare both herself and her community for potential disaster. Then Griffith enters her life. As expected, love and disaster both ensue.


Malevil (Robert Merle)

Malevil (Robert Merle) – Originally written in German, here a group of survivors barely make it through a widespread bomb attack by sheltering within an old castle in France. Now, they must figure out how to cope with the challenges of everyday life in a world that’s returned to the standards of Medieval times.


The New Homefront Series (Steven Bird)

The New Homefront Series (Steven Bird) – After a bloated US government implodes, causing financial and societal collapse, a small airline crew finds themselves stranded after an overnight layover ends up being the last layover in the US. Now, they must figure out how to make it back to their loved ones with nothing more than what they have with them.


One Second After (William Forstchen)

One Second After (William Forstchen) – In what is quite possibly the most well-known EMP novel out there, here a group of survivors must cope with what life is like after an EMP destroys all of the power throughout the US. In real life, this is actually a book that Congress has declared all Americans should read. If you were to read just one EMP book on this list, I would recommend it to be this series.

Once Upon an Apocalypse (Jeff Motes)

Once Upon an Apocalypse (Jeff Motes) – While the title might imply this book series should be on our list of post-apocalyptic books, this series starts with an EMP striking, not well into the future of post-collapse world. Set in Alabama, the main characters (different chapters are told from different points of view) must travel to their home in Clarke County.

Only Lovers Left Alive (Dave Wallis)

Only Lovers Left Alive (Dave Wallis) – Something compels the adults of the world to commit suicide, leaving nothing other than teenagers to inherit the earth. An older book (1964), now the survivors must learn how to cope with survival in a world ruled by violence as all supply chains for essential goods have ceased to exist.

The Opus Odyssey (Boyd Craven III)

The Opus Odyssey (Boyd Craven III) – In this audiobook trilogy, Rick is an avid camper, prepper, and, you guessed it, paranormal romance writer. Along with his wife and their faithful dog Opus, this trio must make it through a post-disaster world in one piece.

If you enjoy reading “dog” stories, along with stories that are written in first person, odds are that you’ll enjoy this.

Out of the Ashes (William Johnstone)

Out of the Ashes (William Johnstone) – A nuclear holocaust destroys America, and now ex-soldier Raines must do what it takes to keep his family alive as he fights to rebuild what was once the United States of America.


The Patriots Series (James Wesley Rawles)

The Patriots Series (James Wesley Rawles) – After a world-wide economic collapse America descends into complete anarchy without rule of law. A group of preppers has been planning for just such an event all along, however, and gradually must make their way from across the nation (and the world, in some instances) to the survival retreat.

It would all run pretty smooth were it not for the foreign invasion on US soil that accompanies the collapse. The survivors must learn to fight back.

Perilous Miles Series (PA Glaspy)

Perilous Miles Series (PA Glaspy) – After an attack leaves the US without power, not only must the Chambers family figure out how to cope with the new world, but Major Sorley has to do what he can to keep President Olstein from destroying what remains of America and plunging it into a totalitarian nightmare.

Powerless World Series (PA Glaspy)

Powerless World Series (PA Glaspy) – Russ and Anne are living the American dream in small-town Tennessee. They’re completely “normal” to everybody else with one exception: they’re preppers. After spending years preparing for disaster, they finally get their chance – and a big one too: an EMP strike. Now Russ and Anne must put their skills to the test as they attempt to survive and help the others around them through a post-normal world.

Prepper’s Crucible: An Arizona Tale (Bobby Andrews)

Prepper’s Crucible: An Arizona Tale (Bobby Andrews) – After an EMP destroys all power within the US, a small group of preppers attempt to make their way to their survival retreat deep in the wilderness of Arizona. However, they’re all trapped in Phoenix when the EMP strikes, so will they be able to make it with their BOBs to safety in one piece?

Pulling Through (Dean Ing)

Pulling Through (Dean Ing) A group of preppers feel as if nuclear war is well on the horizon, and do what they can to prepare. Bomb shelters are built and supplies are stocked as the race against the clock continues. When the nukes strike, the survivors must now learn how to live in a apocalyptic wasteland.


The Restoration Series (Terri Blackstock)

The Restoration Series (Terri Blackstock) – In this popular series, a worldwide power outage leaves civilization wondering what in the world has just happened. Now a group of survivors faces moral qualms regarding just how far they should go with their prepping, and whether or not it’s wrong for them to prepare for themselves in the first place.


The SHTF Series (LL Akers)

The SHTF Series (LL Akers) – Anything with SHTF is in the title has got to be good – right!? After the electricity goes out throughout the country a small group of survivors bands together at a secluded farm retreat, doing what they must to survive. It’s when a group of marauders finds a map to the retreat however that the survivors realize that dehydration isn’t necessarily the worst of their problems, and exchanging lead begins to become a regular occurrence for this group.

Siege of New Hampshire (Mic Roland)

Siege of New Hampshire (Mic Roland) – A 5-book series that chronicles the collapse following a mysterious breakdown in the grid. The repercussions are slow to start, but they build as power doesn’t return, and Martin has to implement Plan B to get home – walk 50 mils from Boston to his home in New Hampshire.

Sixth Column (Heinlein)

Sixth Column (Heinlein) – The US has just fallen to a totalitarian invasion, and now six men must do what it takes to not only survive in the new police state, but to fight back for American sovereignty and freedom as well using the skills that they’ve gained throughout their lifetime.

Small Town EMP Series (Grace Hamilton)

Small Town EMP Series (Grace Hamilton) – Austin and his 14-year-old daughter decide to travel the US in their RV only to have their family trip seriously ruined by an annoying EMP attack that’s plunged the US into complete darkness. Somehow Austin comes into the possession of a mysterious USB drive in the process with cryptic information within its files, and now not only must Austin attempt to survive a stone age style world, but also the repeated attacks of those who will do anything to recover the USB.

Society Lost series (Steven Bird)

Society Lost series (Steven Bird) – After a group of terrorists successfully destroy world society in order to rebuild their philosophical ideal out of the ashes, Jessie Townsend and his family retreat to their homestead deep in the Rocky Mountains to try to survive. Now, as violence and shortages of daily essentials plagues the world, they’re bound to end up with unwanted company.

State of Emergency (Summer Lane)

State of Emergency (Summer Lane) – After an EMP strikes America, Cassidy must do what it takes to get back to her father. Fortunately, she’s found a handsome soldier named Chris to tag along with. Unfortunately, America has also been turned into an active war zone.

State of Panic (Jack Hunt)

State of Panic (Jack Hunt) – A US anti-missile system in Europe malfunctions, and the reprisal attack leaves the US obliterated. Now, without electricity, survivors are thrown into a world of darkness and murder as officers in Idaho must fight to keep their families safe from a gang of neo-Nazi murderers.

Stranded Series (Jeff Probst)

Stranded Series (Jeff Probst) – While this trilogy is written for kids, considering that the author was the host of Survivor, it’s bound to please. After a family vacation results in four kids being shipwrecked on an abandoned island, the kids must do what it takes to stay alive. While a somewhat similar plot as Lord of the Flies, if you have a young teenager that enjoys this genre, this may be something that they’d be interested in.

Stranded Nowhere (EA Lake)

Stranded Nowhere (EA Lake) – Bob Reiniger is on vacation in northern Michigan when disaster strikes, leaving him stranded in the middle of nowhere. Now he must survive with nothing other than the equipment in his cabin as he attempts to make friendly contact with fellow survivors around him.

The Survivalist (Arthur Bradley)

The Survivalist (Arthur Bradley) – A weaponized strain of smallpox ravages the US, leaving nothing other than corpses in its wake. Now, Mason Raines must forage for food, water, and the other necessary gear he needs to survive in a world ravaged by disease and filled with desperate, violent people.

The Survivalist Series (A. American)

The Survivalist Series (A. American) – In this 10-book series, Morgan Carter must figure out how to get back to his family after his car breaks down 250 miles from home. After America’s power grid collapses, things get much, much worse.

Morgan – an avid prepper and survivalist – is now forced to walk through the greater part of Florida amidst the chaos and starvation all around him to ensure that his family is safe. If only he can ensure that he is safe as well.

Survive the Fall (Grace Hamilton)

Survive the Fall (Grace Hamilton) – Part of the EMP: Return of the Wild West series, as a father and son get dropped into the middle of the Canadian wilderness they quickly discover that none of their electronic equipment works. Now, they must figure out what they need to do to stay alive out here with the gear they have on their backs, or else they’re going to end up the only thing that dies out in these woods.

Surviving the End Series (Grace Hamilton)

Surviving the End Series (Grace Hamilton) – Shane McDonald is a nuclear engineer with one job: keep the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant from melting down. But when a coronal mass ejection wipes out power across the Earth, that job gets a tad bit harder. Now Shane must do everything in his power to keep a meltdown from occurring, further devastating the community – and his family – around him.

Survivalist Reality Show Series (Grace Hamilton)

Survivalist Reality Show Series (Grace Hamilton) – In a plot somewhat reminiscent of The Hunger Games, a hit survival TV series features a group of outcasts as they must all attempt to survive in the wild. For this season though, all of the contestants have been set up for failure. Not a single one of them has any survival experience. It’s when an EMP strikes in the middle of the contest that things begin to escalate.

Now, TV show host and survival expert, Wolf Henderson must escort this band of losers to safety at his survival retreat in the midst of the Florida swamp-land.

Survivors (Terry Nation)

Survivors (Terry Nation) – As a deadly pandemic is released upon the earth via passenger jets, the majority of the world ends up dead. Now, survivors such as Abby Grant, must rely on primitive technology and knowledge in order to stay alive, just one day at a time.


Thirst (Kelsy Kinder)

Thirst (Kelsy Kinder) – A massive solar flare hits the earth in the dead of winter. As a runaway teen, River faces more difficult challenges than most when such hits. But has her homelessness helped to prepare her for survival all along in such a world?

Tomorrow series (John Marsden)

Tomorrow series (John Marsden) – This is a series of seven young adult novels set in Australia. A foreign power invades and occupies their country and tells the story of a group of teenagers waging a guerrilla war to save their home. Told from the perspective of a teenage girl.


Unintended Consequences (John Ross)

Unintended Consequences (John Ross) – Within the span of 100 years, a series of bills and laws passed within the US leads to all firearms being outlawed and the Second Amendment being destroyed. A small group of people prepare for such circumstances, but as the US falls under the tyrannical power of a nightmarish police state, they’ll soon learn whether or not the preparations they made are worth it or not.

Until the End of the World (Sarah Flemings)

Until the End of the World (Sarah Flemings) – A four-book series, Cassie Forrest must do what it takes to survive in a world where Bornavirus LX is turning people into zombies. Thankfully, Cassie had survivalist parents! Unfortunately, they’re dead. Now Cassie navigates a new post-normal world as she also attempts to navigate her relationship with her former fiancé, whom she broke it off with after a bout of depression.


Vandenberg (Oliver Lange)

Vandenberg (Oliver Lange) – As the Russians invade America, the US crumbles into a specter of what it once was. Vandenberg must now ensure that his son (who has Down’s syndrome) has what he needs to survive should Vandenberg die.

Viral Misery (Thomas Watson)

Viral Misery (Thomas Watson) – The bird flu out of (you guessed it) China has mutated. It’s the end of the world as we know it. A couple, who happened to be away from each other when it everything hit, must learn to live (or die) apart. This book (as of this writing) is comprised of 3 books.


What’s Left of My World (CA Rudolph)

What’s Left of My World (CA Rudolph) – Lauren Russell had been taught survivalist skills her entire life. She never understood why until America collapses (for reasons you never actually figure out in Book 1). As the 7-book series unfolds, war does as well, and Lauren Russel gradually is forced to change into a much harder and more confident woman who will do what it takes to keep her family safe.

Wolf and Iron (Gordon Dickson)

Wolf and Iron (Gordon Dickson) – Jeebee can see that the collapse of the world is coming, but feels as if he’s powerless to do anything to stop it. After his foresight proves to be correct, he must now make his way in a world where violence is the only bartering chip that men use.


Yesterday’s Tomorrow (GW Pomichter)

Yesterday’s Tomorrow (GW Pomichter) – Two families scattered across the globe must do what it takes to survive and find one another after a devastating nuclear attack hits the US, and a total power failure follows.

Again – did we miss anything that’s not already on our list of post-apocalyptic books? Drop us a comment – and happy reading!

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Josh July 1, 2021 - 10:47 am

Alas Babylon- Pat Frank
Lucifer’s Hammer-Niven & Pournelle
Tomorrow series- Marsden

Derrick James July 1, 2021 - 11:28 am

The first two are at PA and on that list. Adding Tomorrow series – thanks!

Illini Warrior July 5, 2021 - 11:30 am

“Vandenberg” (Oliver Lange) is also published under “Defiance” – usually a larger format and a novel foreword by Sol Stein …

few more PAW novels that were decent enough to inspire films and a TV series are “The Road”, “The Last Ship” and “The Postman” – always read the book also

dmwalsh568 July 6, 2021 - 5:39 pm

Under the Dome by Stephen King. While the premise is pretty weird with a super-science/magic barrier blocking off a town, the story shows what happens to a town that can only rely on itself for resources and how things can go sideways _very_ quickly.

Mic Roland July 6, 2021 - 7:59 pm

Bummer, I didn’t make the “Complete List.”

Siege of New Hampshire series: Plan B Revised, Siege Fall, Hunger Season, Susan’s Bridge, Critical Spring

check them out at mic-roland (dot) com

Derrick James July 7, 2021 - 2:49 pm

I’ll add ya.

James July 14, 2021 - 5:19 am

Jeff motes once upon an apocalypse

Derrick James July 14, 2021 - 11:22 am

Good one.

Hbee October 26, 2021 - 3:17 pm

I saw Rebecca Royce’s book on this list. Good choice, and I would add that Decadent Publishing had a whole line of Prepper Romance stories from several years back that are good, and show various kinds and stages of preppers. Search Amazon for them. Louisa Bacio, DL Jackson, Kate Richards, and others wrote in that series.

Ben December 22, 2021 - 2:25 am

The Mad Mick Series
The Way of Dan Series

Both by Franklin Horton

Becky July 10, 2022 - 12:47 am

Brad Manuel, The Last Tribe, one of the best pandemic post apocalyptic books

Becky July 10, 2022 - 12:50 am

Thomas Watson, Dark Titan series, solar flare/false flag
Forgotten Forbidden America series
Blue Plague series, zombie
Viral Misery series
Forsaken World series

Derrick James July 10, 2022 - 11:39 am

Thanks. I added all but the zombie novels.

Shane McDonald July 13, 2022 - 9:21 am

Apparently I’m famous, I appeared in one of the books, Surviving the End Series (Grace Hamilton) .

Michael Kaye July 14, 2022 - 10:13 am

Derick – Would love to see my book up on your list. Oh Sh!t, The Awakening I published in back in 2013. Currently I have dusted off the original version and am in the process of rewriting it and continuing with a series.


Leandra July 26, 2022 - 5:11 am

Michael Kaye that is so exciting your first book was great

Leandra July 25, 2022 - 3:36 am

I’m looking for a book/series that I read a couple of years ago. I believe it actually had 2 books. The power goes out and the kids all go to the parents house and start to try and get extra supplies- One kid and her family are coming from further away they pick up a couple of foster kids that got abandoned. They have to drive through Boise Idaho and Ontario Oregon on their way to their parents house. Meanwhile the parents also take in extra kids and keep getting situated. In the second book they all bug out and end up finding a survival lodge somewhere in the woods.

Backwoods Squirrel August 11, 2022 - 11:34 pm

I was hoping to find a book I’d read/listened to a couple of years back and can’t for the life of me remember the NAME!

After and EMP a woman was stranded in California and had to make her way back to her mom’s house (don’t remember where) where she could pick up her mom and kids and head to the ‘farm.’ She has her farm set up as a permaculture method with earth bag houses, etc. More people come in and groups are set up for trade. There was a Buddist who ended up as part of her group. A young man. Also a young girl who was a bit troubled. Those two fell in love. LOL ANYWAY… Anybody know the name of that book? It was AWESOME.

Ron October 25, 2022 - 10:38 pm

A lot of the older authors are not on list and Ron Foster has classics and written over 70 books in this genre!

Guy Williams September 4, 2023 - 3:42 am

Earth abides, the survivalist series,


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