Prepper Acronyms and Survival Phrases – Complete List

by Derrick James
prepper speaking in acronyms

People sure do love acronyms and the prepper community is no exception with so many prepper acronyms. We have so many acronyms that they’re even difficult for me to keep up with!

As someone who’s been prepping for over 10 years, I tend to forget that not everyone knows what every acronym means. I often have people ask me, “what does SHTF mean?” I hope that this article is going to help all of those people, and maybe that’s you.

Just about anything can be turned into an acronym, there are thousands of acronyms depending on context and industry. In the below list I’m going to explain some of the most common prepper acronyms that you’ll most likely be exposed to. If you’re ever confused about a particular acronym, I hope you’re able to refer to this list and be sure to share it with friends and family.

Are we missing anything? Let us know in the comments section and we’ll add it!

Here’s a Complete List of Prepper Acronyms


2A – The Second Amendment

4 x 4 – True

5 x 5 – Loud and Clear

550 Cord – Paracord


ABC – Airway Breathing Circulation

ALICE – All Purpose Lightweight Individual Carrying Equipment

ARES – Amateur Radio Emergency Service


BOB – Bug Out Bag

BOL – Bug Out Location


C-Ration – Combat Ration

CCW – Concealed Carry Weapon

CERT – Community Emergency Response Team

CMECoronal Mass Ejection


DIY – Do It Yourself


E&E – Escape and Evasion

EDC – Everyday Carry

EMP – Electro Magnetic Pulse

EOD – End of Days


FRS – Family Radio Service


GHB – Get Home Bag

GMRS – General Mobile Radio Service

GOOD – Get Out of Dodge


Ham – Not really an acronym, but a term to refer to Amateur Radio Operators


IFAK – Individual First Aid Kit (or just FAK – First Aid Kit)

INCH – I’m Never Coming Home


JIC – Just In Case


KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid


LEO – Law Enforcement Officer

LOS – Line of Sight


MAG – Mutual Assistance Group

MIA – Missing in Action

MIL-SPEC – Military Specification

MOA – Minute of Angle

MOLLE – Modular Lightweight Load carrying Equipment

MRE – Meal Ready-to-Eat

MSM – Main Stream Media

MURS – Multi Use Radio Service


N95 – N95 means the mask blocks about 95 percent of particles that are 0.3 microns or larger

NAV – Navigation

NRA – National Rifle Association

NRP – National Response Plan

NWO – New World Order


OBE – Overcome By Events

OPSEC – Operational Security

OTC – Over The Counter


PACE – Primary, Alternate, Contingency, and Emergency

PDW – Personal Defense Weapon

POC – Point of Contact

PPE – Personal Protection Equipment

PSK – Personal Survival Kit

PTSD – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder


RACES – Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service


SAR – Search and Rescue

SERE – Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape

SHTF – S**t Hits The Fan

SOL – S**t Out of Luck


TEOTWAWKI – The End Of The World As We Know It

TOPO – Topographical Map

TP – Toilet Paper


WROL – Without Rule of Law

WTSHTF – When The S**t Hits The Fan

What are some other acronyms that you’d add to this list?

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Jeff August 6, 2021 - 9:10 pm

5 x 5 = Loud and clear
4 x 4 = Four square = True

Derrick James August 6, 2021 - 10:55 pm

Will add ’em

sput August 7, 2021 - 4:11 pm


Derrick James August 8, 2021 - 12:12 pm

Thanks. I hear those often, but not sure they are unique to prepping circles.


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