Just when you thought home improvement projects couldn’t get any more fun, just when you thought you had seen every type of AR-15, introducing the new DeWalt AR-15 nail gun!

It can drive a 6-D nail threw a 2 X 4 at 200 yards. This makes construction a real breeze. You can sit in your lawn chair, and build a fence. Just get the wife and kids, to hold the fence boards in place. You sit back, relax, and sip a frrrrrrrrosty cold beverage. When they have the board in the place, just fire away. With the hundred round magazine, you can build a fence with a minimum of reloading. Just think, after a fun day of fence building with the new DeWalt Rapid fire nail gun, the wife will NEVER ask you to fix or build anything else!
Is it the best SHTF rifle? No.
Is it one of the top ten best guns for survival? No.
How Much Does the DeWalt AR-15 Gun Cost?
Well, that’s a good question. Suffice to say it would cost you a fortune, because what you are essentially asking for is a custom-made AR-15 with proprietary DeWalt name and colors. Alternatively, you could decide to build your own low-cost AR-15 and paint it yourself.
What would acquiring one cost so much money? Well, because…
The DeWalt AR-15 Nail Gun is not Real
Somebody had a good time painting their AR with DeWalt colors. Then they merged a battery pack and an AR magazine. People have been fooled by it since!

You may have also seen the rifle pictured like this on the web:

The Milwaukee AR-15 Nail Gun
If you want a REAL DeWalt nail gun, you’ll have to buy one. So, since it’s not a real nail rifle, if you absolutely must have an AR-15 nail gun, you’ll have to go with a Milwaukee…

Cool. and it doubles as a home defense weapon Lethal Weapon style. “Nailed ‘Em”
Too Funny Ranger Man! Keep up the great work!
Thats funny!
That thing really should be belt fed.
I agree with Solo, it should be belt fed! Too funny, surprised Nanny allows it.
I’m gonna split a gut! This is too much!
Cool! Where can I get one!?
and all those pesky stray animals will not be bothering you any more…..
Too cool…. I want one!
Hot damn! I may just volunteer to do some repair work on the christian cult across the street! Down right neighborly of me, if I do say so myself.
please email me the prize of the nail gun!
where do you get this from ? IT IS AWESOME!
I want one
Where can I buy one or build it. Thanks
Where can I buy one
I would like to know where I could buy one and the price
Whats the cost of the AR15 nail gun? Thanks Rob
Where can I get one and how much r they
Can not find it as a retail item. TOOOOOO neat??????????? need one or two or three!!! Most all my tools are DeWalt, but sure that makes no difference lol
I saw this “tool” in a comedy-outlet newspaper that comes out once a month here in South NJ. I DON’T BELIEVE THIS ITEM ACTUALLY EXISTS. It could just be a joke–and the idea of a “nail gun” driving nails through wood at 200 yards has got to be a bunch of S*** (unless it is a firearm). Don’t fall for this crap!
I wanna purchase one of these ar15 nail guns how do I go about it.
Did isn’t a DeWalt. It’s a real AR-15 made to look like a DeWalt. The man posted this as a joke 2 years ago not thinking it would go viral and people believing it’s actually a nail gun
How much is the ar-15
Like to know what is the cost for ar 15
I would like to know how much
I’m interested in this gun
Where in Australia can I get one and what’s the price
Amazing gun, nice shot, and extremely funny blog. Lol!
You can’t. It’s a joke.
Hello what is the cost.
Where can I purchase the dewalt ar15 nail gun?
right to bare arms we don’t need guns we got nailguns