Maine Church Goers Break the Law – Where are Your Shotguns?

by Derrick James


By now everyone is aware of the Colorado church shootings where the 24-year old shooter killed four people at two locations before an armed, female security guard put him on the floor with lead. The shooter then did himself in.

This brings me to a question: Why are so many Maine church goers breaking the law every Sunday?

Maine law requires that shotguns be carried to church in case of Native American attack.

No, I’m not lying, Ranger Man wouldn’t do that. It’s a fact, an old blue law that’s still on the books today.  I have YET to see ANYONE carrying their shotgun to church on Sunday.

I had an idea recently to bring attention to these criminals. I’d get a friend with a video camera to attend church with me some Sunday. I’d have a microphone and I’d start asking church goers where their shotguns are, I’d ask, “WHY are you breaking the law!?” After I harassed enough people I’d call the police (maybe they’d call them first). The police would show up, tell me to leave, when another friend shows up for church WITH a shotgun! We’d inevitably get arrested, it’d all be on video, and then we’d sue for being arrested when we were the only ones obeying the law. We’d YouTube the video, become famous and retire.

. . . . . . . . . .

I ran this idea by an attorney I know . . . . . he advised against it.

If you’re in Maine, be a good citizen and call the cops on Sunday church goers. No one is above the law.

See the 50 states’ blue laws here:

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Geologyjoe December 12, 2007 - 1:56 pm


I will totally help you with this. Maybe we can get crank to carry the shotgun in?

Hokiemagnum December 13, 2007 - 7:26 pm

I carry every day whether I’m driving through curbside puddles splashing the homeless or buying a $5 gallon of milk from Hannaford. A shotty is a little extreme, but then again, so are terrorists and freaks.

In the end, I don’t go to church, but I sympathize with the movement. Carry on!

ryan December 21, 2007 - 9:46 am

Old wierd laws are great. I think it says something bad about our society that we keep adding more and more laws but never get rid of old ones.

Maybe we should have a 10 law maximum, every time a new one is going to get put on the books an old one has to go. That might keep nanny legislation to a minimum

Jennersen December 22, 2007 - 5:40 am

LOL I love it! I wonder if any individuals have seen this and tried to obey their State’s laws yet?
As for your lawyer he is probably got good points, but then again it would make an excellent short documentary. Better still is the fact that since it is not technically illegal yet to do such a thing, the backlash should not be damaging. You may even get to go all the way to the Supreme Court fighting for individual rights!

Rob March 28, 2008 - 6:09 am

It’s strange, isn’t it? For years people were REQUIRED to carry firearms for protection, now if you have a firearm that same government that made you carry one before says that YOU are the danger to the public. The fact of the matter is simple…carrying a firearm is not dangerous now any more than it was years ago. The only change is the state has become a nanny state that feels it has to control the people in order to feel safe.

terry December 28, 2021 - 3:09 am

I’m thinking things have changed since that law was even remotly relevant. In modern times Native Americans have access to More lethal and destructive weapons, ……..Maybe its time to change the law ? As a shotgun seems kinda limited and outdated.


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