Israeli Gun Ownership, Culture, and Laws

by tuyen
israeli woman gun

Guns are as American as apple pie. Whether we are pro or anti-gun, at one point or another talk of firearms peppers our conversations. If you watch even a small amount of television, it probably will not take long until a gun is used in some way on screen. Even despite recent attempts to limit that exposure with the removal of Elmer Fudd’s cherished shotgun. *gasp* Flip through the channels long enough and you will see them again.

by Logan Misseldine, contributing writer

While America is unique in the way that we handle and represent gun culture, there are three constitutions in the world that allow citizens the right to gun ownership. Out of the three countries that protect the right to bear arms, our constitution is the only one that has no constitutional restrictions. 

In the current political contention surrounding guns, and specifically gun ownership, it is beneficial to look at gun cultures from other countries. This can either build up our morale as gun owners to say, “At least we don’t have it as bad as them,” or to try and expand the defense of our own culture.

One of the most unique countries with one of the most interesting gun cultures is Israel. With a long history of violence and conflict that started well before the modern sense of the country was even thought of, there is a lot that can be learned from examining Israeli gun ownership, culture, and laws.

Overview of Israel’s History

To understand Israel’s gun culture, it is important to understand its history and where its need for firearms came from. Israel has one of the most unique and intense histories in this regard.

Jerusalem and the Holy Land

Israel sits on what many religions and countries regard as their holy land, Jerusalem being the epicenter. The country that has governed over the area that is now Israel, then called Palestine, has changed many times. The British were in charge right before Israel was established as a Jewish state in 1948. Yet the push to make the area a Jewish state started long before even the 20th century.

Theodore Herzl
Theodore Herzl

When the Jewish people began to be exiled from their ancestral homelands, they almost immediately wanted to eventually return and restore the Jewish belief system in the area (referred to as Zion), or Zionism. The original modern migration of Jewish people to Palestine began in 1881 as they fled the pogroms of Eastern Europe.


The official modern movement of Zionism was founded by Theodore Herzl in 1896, even though it had technically been practiced long before that. As the settlements began to grow and face threats from the surrounding countries and governments, they formed several defense organizations to protect their interests.

There was nothing easy about the creation of the final version of modern Israel. There had already been centuries of on and off conflicts to conquer and control the area, and the movement to establish it as the country we know today was no different.

Arab-Israeli War

After World War 2, there were multiple armed conflicts and raids between Jewish insurgency and the occupying UK forces, until in 1948 when Israel was declared and established, and the Arab-Israeli War promptly started the next day. Though it ended in less than a year, there have been recurring conflicts with the surrounding countries, to which Israel has been both aggressor and victim.

Open carry like this is not only common, but a requirement of many soldiers.

Related Article: 4 Most Popular Guns Designed or Made in Israel

This has led the small country to not only develop a strong enough army to defend itself but also to design and manufacture their own unique firearms that would fit the needs of their army to protect their citizens. They developed alliances and positive relations with several larger countries, including the United States of America. Despite these alliances, wars and threats persisted for Israel, right up to today.

Guns and Gun Culture in Israel

Now that we have looked at a brief overview of the formation and history of conflict in Israel, it is easy to see how firearms have played a huge part in the country’s culture and economy. Not only has the nation needed guns, they have designed and manufactured weapons to fit their needs. While there is a large and prevalent use of guns in Israel, it is quite different from the culture in the U.S. for several reasons.

Israeli Military Service and Carrying of Guns

Most citizens’ exposure to firearms comes from their required two and a half years of service in the Israeli military. Part of the terms of their service is the capability to keep their firearms with them at all times regardless if they are on duty or off duty. It does not matter if they are in uniform or out of uniform.

Remember, Israel is a small country and subject to many unexpected attacks. This is why it is not uncommon to see what seem like average everyday citizens walking the streets of Israel with military-grade guns. The thinking behind requiring carrying a firearms is that if an armed threat were to appear near them that they would be able to rise to action and neutralize the aggressive force.

So even though there is no explicit right for Israeli citizens to bear arms, many of its citizens have had intimate exposure to firearms and their functions. This has led to a high percentage of individuals caught in the act of committing violent acts to being stopped by private citizens who happened to be carrying a weapon with them.

Is Private Gun Ownership Legal in Israel?

Strangely enough, Israeli gun laws are surprisingly strict. Normal citizens must not only acquire a permit, but have to prove they have a valid reason in obtaining it! A doctor must verify the mental and physical capability of the citizen. The citizen also must complete an extensive course to prove proficiency with their firearm and then they are subjected to a security check. They are only allowed a single handgun and a limit of 50 rounds of ammunition at any given time. The license is specific to the firearm and it must be renewed every two years with proof of proficiency.

There are also different rules of engagement for private citizens that limit the times that they can legally use their weapon, which does not include instances of burglars and trespassers they find on their own property unless there is a clear threat on the life of anyone on the property.

Yet there are not many places that do not allow citizens to carry their weapon, both concealed and openly carried, including synagogues.

American Versus Israeli Gun Culture

Out of all the regulations and restrictions that Israel there is one that especially caught my eye, the mandatory training and proficiency tests. Here is why I found it Interesting:

American Gun Culture

Here in the U.S., a large part of our gun culture is that guns are useful for multiple functions, not just self-defense. From recreation to entertainment to hunting and subsistence, there is a huge demand for firearms of all shapes and sizes. One of the ways Americans have attempted to restrict guns is to regulate the legality of certain shapes and features of firearms, specifically the AR-15 style of firearms.

Israeli Gun Culture

In Israel, the weapon is not what is viewed as destructive but the person. On top of the fact that almost every citizen has had practical experience safely handling and operating weapons in their military service, they have made it mandatory that those who own firearms in their civilian setting have continual training in protection of not only themselves, but their fellow citizens. What this does is allow them to not only be trained to ensure the safe use of their weapons, but it also gives a very real and visceral ability of its citizens to protect themselves when the need arises.

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SL October 14, 2020 - 12:18 am

The article is distorted garbage .

Israel gun laws are very strict , much stricter then the USA as far as being allowed to carry unless you are active military .

To carry you not only need a government permit but prior psychiatric evaluation .

Eric April 16, 2022 - 5:27 pm

That’s not accurate. The article is totally accurate. You don’t need a prior psychiatric evaluation. As the article states, you need to show a valid reason (tavhin) and submit a medical form (similar to one for employment or the gym) with your application, AND undergo training.
It’s impossible to say “much stricter than the USA” because within the USA, gun laws vary. It’s stricter than some states, but less than others (less strict than New York, for example).

Dar October 15, 2020 - 1:16 pm

US Americans are not smart people when it comes to social issues. But then again, who is a US American for real? It’s a country of immigrants from all over the world, with a European core. So no wonder that it can’t get its act together like a small homogeneous nation like Israel.

Don Swartz March 4, 2021 - 12:45 pm

In the USA, the Citizens have inalienable rights that still exist since 1775. The British colonists overthrew a tyrannical domestic government. Always remember, domestic governments and invading government have killed more people than all the civilian criminals in a nation combined.
The “worst” day under armed criminals killing people PALES in comparison to the “best” day ( least number killed) of a domestic or invading government.
In the USA with over 100 Million guns in the hands of citizens, has about 10,000 die each YEAR at the hands of armed criminals. If armed citizens were a problem………we’d know.
Mao, Stalin and even Hitler could kill this many in a day!
Had 6 Million Jews, 10 Million Polish or 12 Million French had had “assault weapons”, there would not have been a WW2.
But you can believe what you want to.

Link March 10, 2021 - 4:19 am

No link to source on Israel gun laws, and your wrong on them.

You got the history right at least.

Derrick James March 10, 2021 - 1:46 pm

What are the correct laws?

Yehuda September 25, 2022 - 7:06 am

I’m an Israeli citizen in Israel. My brother inlaw owns a firearm. the only thing I might add is that ‘reason’ required in order to obtain a firearm is either, living in a perticular dangerous area or you are member of a volunteer service (for example hatzala). also I’m not sure where you could get the required rifle training if not in the army.

Derrick James September 25, 2022 - 10:42 am

Thanks for adding your comment.

Jack de Lowe June 6, 2023 - 8:10 pm

The information supplied is not completely correct. Other reasons for obtaining a gun license in Israel are occupational (Diamond dealers or security) as well as volunteers for the civil guard (police auxiliary).
As an Israeli gun license holder and a former member of the civil guard as well as a police shooting instructor, I can tell you that gun training is widely available in Israel.

john a. kennedy November 9, 2023 - 9:20 pm

I am an American pro-gun, NRA member, and Police Weapons instructor with about 33 years in service. I was astounded to see that most Israeli citizens weren’t allowed to keep firearms at least in their homes. After all the attacks on Israel, I would have thought that the government would have been a sponsor of citizen training and combat type of citizen competitions. A country full of riflemen and women is generally safer from assault than any other. Safe rooms are a fine Idea, but gun ports are even better. The author of Pearl Harbor was asked about attacking our west coast and he advised against it saying the population was comprised of riflemen, “He says the Japanese military did not invade the mainland United States after Pearl Harbor because “they know that almost every home had guns and the Americans knew how to use them.” I am very surprised that the Israeli government didn’t give firearms to their citizens or sell surplus firearms as has been done here in the United States. Encourage gun clubs where the citizens would be given an allotment of ammo to practice with at least quarterly. ” Never again”, can only be stated by a strong, armed, trained population. My prayers right now are with Israel!


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