The coronavirus pandemic is no laughing matter. Many people have been negatively impacted. Some have become sick, some have lost their jobs, and some have lost their lives. So while the coronavirus itself isn’t necessarily funny, people are funny; and where you have funny people you have funny pictures. When you have a pandemic and funny people, you have funny coronavirus pictures.
We could all use a good laugh, particularly during difficult times. I’m here to help! I’ve assembled some of the internet’s best funny coronavirus pictures. This is COVID-19 ridiculousness to the max!
The Best Funny Coronavirus Pictures
Got Pandemic? Get Trashy.
When you don’t have the personal protective equipment that an intensive care unit might have, you have to improvise! These people improvised with trash bags.

Plague Doctor Masks
Doctors wore the “beak mask” during the Black Death, because they thought the disease was spread by bad air (from rotting organic matter). To stay safe from this bad air, they wore these masks and filled the noses with sweet smells – flowers and herbs. That theory is ages old, but the mask is not!

Fruit Face Masks
This set of pictures is downright fruity! It’s my hope that they were trying to be funny with their fresh fruit faces, but…

Maxi Pad Masks
You knew it was coming – the maxi pad mouth. Except… these are designed to TRAP moisture. They’re not for masks. But I guess if they’ll stop…

Funny Coronavirus Pictures – Pets
You can’t protect your family without protecting your pets! Are they muzzles? Nope – they’re K9 masks.

Stylish Coronavirus Pictures
Going out into public fully protected from the “crona” doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice style. Embrace the personal protective fashion.

Coronavirus Jugheads
Jughead was one of my favorite characters from the old Archie series. You can be a jughead, too. Take a jug, cut a hole, put it on your head – jughead!

Random Funny Coronavirus Pictures
Some pictures can’t be categorized more narrow than just funny coronavirus pictures. These ones are random – and so good.

There you have it! The internet’s best, most funny coronavirus pictures from the COVID-19 pandemic.