You’ve probably read post-apocalyptic books or seen post-apocalyptic movies where an EMP initiates a collapse. Those might demonstrate ways to survive an EMP attack, but fiction and reality are often …
Personal Preparedness
Interest in prepping is gaining traction in Europe. In my article on the best bug out locations in Europe, I had the chance to cover the major traits on what …
There are countless catastrophes we should prepare for, and while “general” prepping helps with all of them, some require specific actions or preps. This article explores one in particular – …
Do you keep a prepper journal? I do, and it has helped me in many ways. It helps that I am a natural note taker. It comes easy to me. …
This article, written by a woman and for women, is mainly about situational awareness in an urban scenario where the “follower” can quickly turn into an aggressor. Knowing what to …
Currently, all over the world, people’s mental fortitude is being tested as we face a bottleneck of historically tumultuous events. A pandemic surges while political contentions, economic strife, and natural …
From the spread of the coronavirus to the collapse of the U.S. economy, there are a lot of reasons to prepare for the potential collapse of society and get in …
“Exercise like a Navy SEAL!?” you might be thinking after reading the title. “Pfffft – yeah, right!” The truth is you don’t have to be twenty years old and ripped …
Long-time preppers know that the Latter-day Saints were prepping well before “prepping” was a household term. Storing supplies and being ready for unexpected events has been a central philosophy to …
Mexico is the eleventh largest producer of oil in the world and the thirteenth-largest in the exportation of oil. It has the seventeenth-largest oil reserves and is the fourth largest …
Everyone here likely knows that the best way to survive in any situation is to be prepared for it. So, today we decided to remind us of the most important …
Minutemen were motivated fighters who formed a well-organized militia during the American Revolutionary War. As the name implies, they were ready for action at a moment’s notice. Their history is …
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