I have kept a “last-ditch” survival kit for years. It’s small enough if I needed to dump everything else, I can slip this in my pocket and still have a …
One of the perks of science and technology advancing is the ability to accomplish tasks easier than before. Take for example drinking water. It used to be that the only …
Since 1973, magnesium bar fire starters have been around. A simple, waterproof, arguably unbreakable, fire starter that can get hot enough to light wet tinder. The bar can produce many …
Got solar panels? I don’t – not on the house anyway. But I have had manufacturers send me small, portable panels from time to time. That’s what happened here. SunJack …
I recently went on a day hike in the desert and brought my Camelbak M.U.L.E. I’ve had this pack for at least ten years, maybe more. It’s been a good …
‘Tis the season when people start looking for gift ideas to put under the tree or in the stocking; and if you read this website, you’re probably in the group …
Like most of you, I want to be prepared and self-sufficient. I believe my safety is my responsibility. If you rely on someone else, chances are you will be disappointed. …
I’m not ashamed to admit it – I’ve been horrifically slow to adapt to solar power for my home survival preps. There, I said it. Maybe “slow” is an inappropriate …
In my last article, we discussed the primary assessment tool “MARCH.” This writing is aimed at carrying the tools necessary for treating life threats. I call it an IFAK (Individual …
If you tried to get through an airport security checkpoint with your bugout bag as a carry on, what would set off the alarms? by Doc Montana, contributing writer The …
Over the last several years I have seen a discussion kicked around the survival and outdoor forums surrounding two pieces of gear. The discussion has to do with whether it …
When deciding to carry a sidearm, the choice of what holster to use can be just as important as what sidearm to use. Every holster draws differently depending on the …
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