When Ranger Man first asked if I wanted to do a review on a couple of Camillus knives I thought, “Camillus? Sounds familiar, but I can’t place it.” Some of …
Soooooo, it was time to buy a new laptop aaaaaand ….. anyone remember their Miller Analogies? Try this one: Handgun is to Holster as Laptop is to: A) Power Cord …
A bunch of years ago I lost the sheath to my USMC Ka-Bar and went online looking to see where I could get a cheap replacement. I came across a web site …
A couple of weeks ago I bought a Gerber Bear Grylls survival knife to try out. To be honest, I’d never seen the guy’s show, so I watched part of …
As you all know I’m a bit of a gear nut. I love making my own stuff and I’m constantly experimenting with different ideas and tweaking them and trying to …
I mentioned in my Drinking Water Storage: 55 Gallon Barrels vs Sure Water Tank post that I really want need to store enough potable water in the event some prolonged …
So you want to put together a bug out bag, but who has the money to go out and buy all the fancy expensive equipment that goes inside one? Don’t …
Gear Corner – How to Make and Use a Hobo Stove I’d read about hobo stoves and have to admit I approached this project with a lot of skepticism. The …
When I was a kid, it must’ve been like 1985 or so, I went with my father to an Army Navy store in Bar Harbor, Maine. There, behind the glass …
The post gets dedicated to my SHTF homie “Bert” who used to argue with me alllll the time over whether to pack a tarp while hiking or not. He was, …
WTSHTF and we enter a new era, daily life will move to a more basic level similar to the “olden days” or life in 3rd world countries. When this happens, …
Got TEOTWAWKI Wear? This new clothing line developed by Blackhawk Products Group is pretty rad, it comes with ITS! Oh right, “ITS” – Integrated Tourniquet System. Ayuh, it’s designed to …
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