For various reasons I don’t keep a sleeping bag in my Get Home Bag or my everyday hiking kit. Today I thought I’d talk about other options than having a …
Today I tried an interesting experiment. I used my cell phone’s GPS and Google Maps and my compass to navigate to an objective in the forest out behind my house. …
Solar Energy Generator for When TSHTF (Originally posted a few years ago. I’m reposting because of interest generated when I mentioned it in an article written earlier this week.) ———————- …
In a previous comment to Irishdutchuncle I promised to review a stove for him. This is the MSR Whisperlite and it’s probably one of the best backpacking stoves I’ve ever …
If I could have with me only one blade, one handgun, and one long gun, what would I choose? by Jarhead Survivor A Question of Survival Of course, my answer …
This is a guest post from a friend of mine. Awhile back I gave him a Camillus Tiger Sharp knife to try out with the only caveat being that after …
I like to keep my bug-out bag light, but have enough equipment in it that I don’t suffer if I’m forced to spend a night out. Remember, gear is important, …
Ever hear of Coast LED flashlights, lanterns, headlamps, knives and multi-tools? No, I hadn’t either – until they sent me a flashlight and knife to review. In this post I’ll …
Have you ever found a piece of gear that makes you smile as soon as you touch it? I’ve been casting around for the perfect canteen/cup/pot stove combination and wasn’t …
I spent the last few months looking for a tent for cold weather camping. The criteria I had for the tent were a little vague in my mind, but basically …
I’ve heard people talk favorably about the Survival Rescue Knife (SRK) in the past and when I saw it on Amazon for $66.08 I decided to order it. This puts …
Thanks to the mild weather, I had the opportunity to break in the newest addition to my preps this past weekend. The Ammo Can Stove. I got the Mid-range model, …
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