I love military gear. Some people hate it for various reasons, but to me, this gear has proven itself on the battlefield. It’s constantly evolving and being updated as technology changes, but …
As hard as it is for me to say this, I think I’ve finally found a knife that I like better than the Ka-Bar Becker BK-2. The BK-2 is an awesome …
Are you using available technology to help you with your preparations for when TSHTF? If you’re a Luddite then this post is not for you; however, if you own a …
If ever there was a tool today in search of a purpose, the survival tomahawk is it. With its primal shape and apparent infinite number of uses, the tomahawk, you …
Getting bug out gear begins with getting the best bug out backpack for you and then selecting what you carry based on how much space you have and what you …
Survival shoes? Really? You bet. I mean after all had you intended to run around the woods at your Bug Out locale in bare feet like a Hobbit? I didn’t …
I was lucky growing up as a kid in rural farmland country of Southeast Missouri. I was raised in a two business family. My father ran a flying crop dusting …
What is the best survival tool you can have along with you? A lot of people are looking everyday for the best survival tool or tools to have if things …
The Survival Slingshot Archer is one of those pieces of equipment that I both like and dislike. Allow me to explain. First, let me admit up front that I’m no …
Some guys in my prep team say I have a boot fetish. I say I am on a lifelong pilgrimage or conquest to find for once and for all the …
Buying a stockpile of bulk ammo might provide comfort when bugging in, but what about when you have to bugout? That “buy it cheap and stack it deep” concept might …
I’ll admit it, I’m a cheapskate. But for good reason…I cheap out on a lot of things so that I can have really really good stuff in other areas. For …
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