Fiction Books

prepper fiction

Prepper Press is fortunate to work with many talented writers. Fans of collapse and post-apocalyptic fiction can find a variety of titles here that may appeal to them. Some are stand-alone stories whereas others are best-selling series of books.

We have listed our fiction books below in alphabetical order. They are all original titles exclusive to Prepper Press.

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299 days preparation

299 Daysby Glen Tate The ten-book 299 Days series by Glen Tate became a big hit right from the beginning. His series was mentioned on countless blogs, podcasts, and videos, and it continues to sell well to this day. Meet Grant Matson: lawyer, father, suburbanite husband who awakens to the fragility of modern society and embarks on a personal journey that introduces him to a world of self-reliance and liberation.

the divide

A Great State by Shelby Gallagher The A Great State trilogy tells the story of Julie Atwood. She lives in a deteriorating state in a country that is falling apart. She must find a way to escape while struggling to balance the roles of survivor and mother.

A Simple Man by Mark Bacci The year is 2078. The former United States of America is a bleak and fading memory for the few citizens of New America. Nearly five years after his wife was taken to a birthing camp by Secans, New America’s mercenaries, John Bradford is left to raise his two children alone in an increasingly dangerous and desolate world.

after the crumble

After the Crumble by Devon Porter Our future has crumbled. In the late 2020s, the grid finally flickered out for the last time, succumbing to attacks from a newly formed Resistance, fuel scarcity, and general entropy.

brushfire plague

Brushfire Plague by R.P. Ruggiero The Brushfire Plauge trilogy begins when a virulent plague erupts across the globe, Cooper Adams faces a daily battle for survival as society unravels at a dizzying pace. As he organizes his neighbors for self-defense and strives to save those around him, he soon discovers the first clues about the origin of the Brushfire Plague that is killing untold millions around the world.


Haven by J.D.G. Perldeiner The holdings of men are scattered, broken, disparate. The wilderness has reclaimed the land. This is the world in 198 Anno Cataclysmos. Now, in this dark and dying age, the survivors of the Burners and thrax turn upon each other. For the monks of Haven, the chiefest good is knowledge, and the written word. For the folk of Groton there can be nothing that gainsays their holy writ-including the sacred library that informs the Province of all things past.