Selecting a bug out location (BOL) can be a daunting task. Where should you go? What do you need to take with you? What will you need when you’re there? …
Derrick James
Pepper? Prepper? Call me a pepper prepper. Do you want to be a pepper prepper, too? You’re in luck! In this article we’ll talk about storing pepper long-term. This way …
What’s better, .223 or .308? AR-15 or AK47? What about 9mm vs .40 S&W? Shooters love debating this stuff. It’s a fact of life and a defining characteristic of the …
Having a reliable energy source during an emergency is a crucial part of personal preparedness. Off-grid electrical power comes from either short or long-term sources. Long-term would be sources like …
Too many preppers go into prepping blindly. They stock up on firearms and bulk ammo, grab some freeze-dried food, and then stuff a bug out backpack. Few preppers actually develop …
Salt is an important part of a prepper’s long-term food storage plan. Our bodies need salt to stay healthy and it’s a vital component to food preservation. Of course, we …
How are you going to handle human waste when the mushroom cloud goes up? How do you poop in your home fallout shelter? What if you can’t leave your apartment …
It’s not uncommon for new preppers to feel confused over long-term food storage. What should you stock? How much of it? And how do you store it? One of the …
Securing enough food and water to make it through a long-haul disaster is a primary concern as a prepper. Storing rice long-term is a great way to get calories for …
After a disaster takes place, many fall prey to the false notion that only the young can be of benefit in helping others. While the young typically have less health …
There are so many different companies selling body armor on the civilian market these days that it can be challenging to sort through which company you should buy from. What …
Have you ever found yourself stranded on the side of the road? Maybe you left on a long trip only to realize you didn’t pack enough water? Occasions like these …
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