Whenever I teach hunter safety education classes in the fall ahead of the upcoming deer season, I almost always get asked two questions. One is “What is the best deer …
Derrick James
Interest in a “Katrina rifle” grew almost overnight after Hurricane Katrina turned from a woman’s elegant name, to a tragic hurricane, to an adjective for a tangible survival situation. So when …
Some guys in my prep team say I have a boot fetish. I say I am on a lifelong pilgrimage or conquest to find for once and for all the …
Buying a stockpile of bulk ammo might provide comfort when bugging in, but what about when you have to bugout? That “buy it cheap and stack it deep” concept might …
Other than the Great Depression, recessions were typically followed by periods of expansion. Starting in the 2000’s the recessions have not been marked by significant growth. Furthermore, the jobs that …
Ebola. Even the name is a bit creepy. The disease itself, is horrifying. First you get flu like symptoms, then vomiting and diarrhea, then your organs start shutting down and you …
Preppers love their AR-15s. But do you really need an AR-15 for SHTF scenarios? Are they necessary for survival, the collapse, etc.? There are three groups of people reading this: …
Doomsday Preppers, zombies, TEOTWAWKI, SHTF, OPSEC, market collapse, food storage, water storage, bug-out bag. If you know what these terms mean and practice some of them then welcome to the …
There is little doubt in anyone’s mind that when it comes to the one-gun prepper arsenal, the shotgun reigns supreme. King of the hill, my boomstick, baby! If you scroll …
Note: we’ve been having some issues with WordPress and getting our posts on the blog reliably (you probably noticed last week was pretty sparse in the post department) so Jarhead …
Weeding. I know, it seems mundane, but it’s a skill that could mean the difference between a bumper crop and a failed crop in your survival garden. This is really …
Water is one of the basic needs for every prepper. But, does every prepper know exactly what they are guarding against and how to best deal with all the pitfalls? …
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