Moab, Utah was once again the host of the famous Jeep Safari which is the largest four-wheel drive event in the world, or so I’ve read. Basically, that meant that the …
Derrick James
This is of special importance to me since I live in fire country. Every year the threat rears its paranoia inducing head and forces me to look at my wooden …
What is the best survival tool you can have along with you? A lot of people are looking everyday for the best survival tool or tools to have if things …
You can’t swing a dead cat around the survivalist internet sites without running into thousands, no, hundreds of thousands of gun-related articles. Most deal with variations on a theme: 9mm …
If you step outside right now and go for a short walk, the most likely wildlife (aka: prey) you are likely to see will be small and furry, or small …
Many folks are debating whether it’s good to have a dog during a survival situation or not. For most dog owners, this is an easy question to answer. They are …
While not the most pleasant topic in survival circles, it is one that cannot be denied. When nature calls, you will answer the phone. It took humans about 400 years …
What is the big deal about an 80% lower receiver? Why would I want to build one when I can just go out and buy one that is already machined …
There is a misconception out there that traveling with a firearm is difficult or a pain in the ass. In my opinion this could not be further from the truth. Recent …
I got a text from a co-worker this past weekend. Deer season is nigh here in Maine, and he was out doing the pre-season rifle check-up. “My 7 Mag is …
You have two options when it comes to conducting a full-fledged Bug Out operation. One is to go it alone or with the immediate family or facilitate the creation of …
If you own and use an AR rifle platform as a primary SHTF weapon, then you need an AR magazine strategy. Have you ever seen so many options for ways …
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