Survival of the fittest should be taken to apply as much to those who are fit of mind; how many great minds would be lost to history if only the …
Derrick James
This is not about Glock handguns, per se. It is about what choices to make for a prepper or survival handgun(s) for your personal and property protection regardless of a …
An essential element in building up a comprehensive prepper supply is to include on a planning list a stock of all sorts and types of hardware items. You can have …
Believe it or not, not every prepper or survivalist is totally enamored with the quintessential semi-auto rifle platform. Though the AR-15s and AK-47s among other similar rifle types are highly …
Survival tools is a very large and varied subject to tackle. One man’s wrench is another man’s pair of pliers. It’s also hard to focus on just one classification of …
As the old adage goes, there really is no substitute for experience. This counts double time for shooting experience only gained by “popping lots of caps” as the Mil-Gens like …
From time to time the prepper crew at SHTF Blog runs across a number of product items that really work well. The deal is that these pieces of gear, guns, …
How do you repel bugs naturally? Having a healthy insect population in your garden is a good thing, but when you’re camping you can run into all sorts of nasty …
Consider any house, any house at random, or own your house. You’ve decided, for a whole host of practical and realistic reasons, that if and when a significant SHTF occurs, …
Hey, even survivalists have to unwind every once in a while. Take a look at some of these fictional stories of survival, hand-picked by us for your entertainment pleasure from …
When the SHTF, a lack of available dental care may necessitate alternative toothache cures. They may even come into play while things are still normal, because most people just don’t …
It just isn’t realistic to think all of our prepping supplies will hold out forever. My family, friends, and I may have devised the best survival plan there is, even …
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