If you tried to get through an airport security checkpoint with your bugout bag as a carry on, what would set off the alarms? by Doc Montana, contributing writer The …
Derrick James
Jim Cobb has been around the prepper and survival circles for years. He is the author of several prepping books and is the editor of Survival Weekly. His books include: …
This is a guest post written by Diane Vukovic of Mom Goes Camping. She has solid advice on raising tough kids; nine tactics, all of which I try to maintain. …
Over the last several years I have seen a discussion kicked around the survival and outdoor forums surrounding two pieces of gear. The discussion has to do with whether it …
A common and basic question regarding wild mushrooms is: how do you know if it is edible? This is especially important in survival situations. It is best if you already …
When deciding to carry a sidearm, the choice of what holster to use can be just as important as what sidearm to use. Every holster draws differently depending on the …
If there is one thing that the past 25 years have shown us, the firearms and ammunition market can be unpredictable. From so called “Assault Weapons” bans, to ammunition import …
For the prepper, no Nalgene is complete without a Nalgene water filter. These convert a basic, high-capacity water bottle into a survival tool able to turn dirty, unsafe water into …
As the currently-popular Steven Crowder meme goes, “change my mind”. In the interests of upping everyone’s basic preparedness, I hereby proffer the following five items that practically no human has …
Just over the past three months I have watched the news and at least five different emergency events have occurred that would necessitate one to bug out from their home. …
Bing! A text message came through on my phone. “Dude, is this a good deal?” I looked at the incoming photo – it was a screenshot from the Palmetto State …
“Reminder: All emergency services will be suspended.” The red cross on the poster has a big black “/” through it. The promo says the support services of the nation, state, …
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