Time for another weapon light review – this time it’s the Olight Baldr Pro from Olight. If you’ve been following along here at SHTF Blog, you’ve probably noticed that Olight, …
Derrick James
Need a secret bunker? Here’s an idea, what if building an underground bunkers from culverts was an option? This bunker could be for when SHTF, or even just to get …
This is a thorough guide to selecting the best bug out backpack. I accentuate “backpack,” because in my opinion, there should be no other bug out bag than a backpack. …
When it comes to pretty much any disaster scenario save a nuclear winter or EMP burst, solar power is THE direction to look in for your power-producing needs. Thus, bugging …
While the MonoVault gun burial tube is no longer being produced, there are other gun cache containers available on the market that are comparable in size and come at a …
With the current political and economic crisis in many countries, the appeal of becoming an expat grows daily for many. Of course, the ideal place to set up your new …
The Ruger 10/22 Takedown is a magnificent thing. When Sturm, Ruger, & Co. launched this little bundle of rimfire love out into the public on March 2012, everyone’s “Must-Have” survival …
The lines between bushcraft and preppers is always a bit blurred, but one thing is certain preppers can learn from bushcrafters, like what bushcraft tools preppers should own. The goal …
Too many variations to sort through when buying an AR15? Wondering what black rifle to build next? Consider the simplicity of the AR15 A2 configuration, otherwise known as the M16 …
Having bug out bag cookware is an essential part of planning a bug out. As Napoleon once said, an army marches on its stomach. The same idea applies here – …
U.S. military shemagh use in a hypothetical scenario: You’re on an operation at dusk in the Middle Eastern desert, taking heavy enemy fire. The sun blazes red on the western …
Looking for an overlanding communication system for when you are far away from civilization? Maybe you want a grid-down communication setup for your bug out vehicle? You want more than …
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