Armed Bear NFTs – A Collection for Firearm Enthusiasts

by Trevor Holewinski
Armed Bear NFTs feature image

If you enjoy shooting, and are into cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), Armed Bear NFTs are for you. This is a first-of-its-kind NFT project for owners to demonstrate their support for the Second Amendment. The project will unite like-minded people and come with business discounts and giveaways.

Bias alert! I founded the Armed Bears NFT project.

Most preppers (and firearm enthusiasts) are not collecting NFTs, nor are the majority into cryptocurrencies. I know this from the feedback we get when we publish articles on how Bitcoin can survive an EMP attack, protect your wealth, and be sent over ham radio.

That’s okay! You don’t have to believe in Bitcoin to take part in NFTs. You can do it for fun, not that much different from buying a 2A sticker for your truck or a pew pew-style t-shirt. These Armed Bear NFTs are collectibles not that unlike baseball cards or stamps that are bought and sold. The only difference is they are digital collectibles.

Wait – What’s an NFT?

If you’re foreign to NFTs, they are “non-fungible tokens” that represent digital ownership (generally) of some digital asset. These are created and recorded on blockchain, a public ledger system.

The Armed Bear NFTs are created on the Polygon chain, which is compatible with the more widely-known Ethereum blockchain.

Some of the most popular NFT projects include CryptoPunks, Bored Ape Yacht Club, and World of Women.

Why Collect Armed Bear NFTs?

NFT collecting is growing in interest. Based on my impression, there are largely two types of NFT collectors: those looking to profit off them, and those collecting for fun. The two are not mutually exclusive.

I cannot promise that Armed Bear NFTs will carry long-term value, but given that we are so early in the crypto/Web3 and NFT space, I feel reasonably sure that they will forever have some type of collector value as being the first pro Second Amendment NFT project marketed specifically to gun owners and shooters. After all, the gun industry is nothing short of gigantic.

As time moves on and NFTs become more mainstream, it’s logical to think that younger generations of shooters will look for NFTs that reflect their interests. Even now social media companies are implementing ways to verify NFT profile picture ownership.

Collectibility aside, there is the accompanying sense of community that forms within NFT projects. People join to become part of the ownership collective. They talk in the projects’ Discord servers, follow each other on social media, etc.

Some projects even include utility, and Armed Bear NFTs are no different. We’ve formed business partnerships to offer collaborative NFTs, giveaways, and discounts to holders. These businesses include RTS Tactical, MIRA Safety, My Patriot Supply, Mission Darkness, Olight, and more.

More About the Armed Bears NFT Project

The connection between images of armed bears and the right to bear arms should be obvious. The project builds off other animal-themed NFT projects such as the aforementioned Bored Apes project, Pudgy Penguins, and others. The difference in Armed Bears is that the animal type and the Second Amendment theme make logical sense.

Visit the Armed Bear NFTs website.

The collection itself is comprised of the common 10,000 NFT amount. There are 10k unique Armed Bears available for collecting. Each bear has a different combination of traits, some traits being more rare than others, adding to different levels of collectibility to each NFT.

“Special Ops” Series

Complementing the 10,000 Armed Bear NFT collection is a side collection called Armed Bear Special Ops. Whereas the main collection will be available for sale, the Special Ops series is a giveaway series only. This collection, while affiliated with the main project, is unique in that it’s for business partnerships, unique themes (such as Founding Fathers), etc.

Prepper Press Armed Bear Special Ops NFT
Prepper Press Armed Bear “Special Ops” NFT. The first in the Special Ops series.

The Prepper Press bear (yes, that’s us) is the first of the collection. Limited to just 10 copies, one was reserved for the creator (me), and the other 9 are being given away.

Additional giveaways in the collection will include a collaboration bear with RTS Tactical, more unique designs, and other partnerships.

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