A Complete List of Ham Radio Forums

by Gabe Gregoire
ham radio forums feature

I’ve found that one of the best ways to learn about a subject is to browse through the online forum boards covering it. Ham radio forums are such a source for the amateur radio enthusiast. Within these forums I’ve often found advice on everything from finding important ham radio frequencies to learning what others are doing to tackle the same problems I might face. A lot of times this is the down and dirty approach to stuff that the manufacturer won’t tell you (typically due to their wanting you to buy another product or for liability issues).

Ham Radio Forums

Either way, forums truly offer a significant chance of growth and ham radio is no exception to the rule. These forums can offer the educational boost needed to any ham radio crash course you’re developing for yourself.

These are presented in alphabetical order, and it’s intended to be a “living” list in that it will be updated over time as ham radio forums come and go. Please, if we are missing any ham radio forums, let us know in the comments section so we can add it to the list!

So without further ado, let’s take a look at a complete list of ham radio forums that are out there. Hopefully, the below will both give you some direction as well as some advice on which forums can help you out.

4X4 Ham

4×4 Ham targets those who like to use ham radio while they’re going off-road. Think Jeeps, ATVs, racoon and bear hunting, overlanding, and the like. If you do a lot of dune buggy riding or similar and are looking at getting into ham radio – shoot, if you’re looking at ham radio in a bug-out vehicle – then this may be a site that you want to haunt.


Amfone is not my favorite site out there, as it seems like it is not the most active by the looks of things. If you can tolerate the older templates and layouts though, then there are some ham discussions that can be found here.

Antique Radios

Antique Radios is great for the fan of older radios. Let’s say that you just picked up an ancient radio at a flea market somewhere and need to fix it up. If you’re looking for information on how to use, what parts to get, how to fix, or anything else regarding older radios – even if they’re not ham related – this is a site that you’re going to want to check out.

AR15.com Ham Radio Forum

Personally, my favorite type of ham forums are those that are sub-forums within some particular topic at hand (see my post on geocaching.com below to see what I mean). I find that the sub-forums are those who are able to best apply a topic to something, and you end up with a more interesting forum as a whole.

As such, you may really be interested in AR-15.com’s forum on ham radio. It’s pretty cool.

ARRL ham radio manual
This ARRL book is a must for any ham operator.

ARRL Forum Board

I don’t like the ARRL Forum as much as others.. Aside from having an absolutely terrible privacy policy (“Let’s just publish everybody’s address for the whole world to see! Better not transmit while on vaCAAAAAAYshun!”), there’s some other facets of how they do things that I disagree with.

That all being said, if you’re looking for a more “official” forum to scour, this may be the option for you. What’s better than their forum, however, is their Ham Radio License Manual (pictured to the right), which is the perfect study guide for anyone looking to learn about ham radio and take the necessary license exams.

Australian Ham Radio Discussion Forum

Let’s say that you live in Australia. Let’s also say that you like ham radio. Well, there you have it. That’s this site in a nutshell, the Australian ham radio discussion forum.

DX News

Yes, it’s primarily DX news, but there is a lot of other good information for those of us out here who aren’t as interested in the long-range contact. Everything from antennas, to licensing, to software is discussed here, but remember, it’s primarily geared for DX. In any case, check out the DX News ham radio forum.

DX Zone

DX Zone really has a little bit of everything, and I really like the way that things are laid out. Perhaps I may seem like a stickler, but it really is easier to find what you’re looking for when a site is visibly organized.

Ham Community

Conversation, camaraderie, and collaboration is how Ham Community bills itself. It’s a very well done forum that has a sizeable section devoted to emergency communications. Considering that you’re reading about it here on a prepping website, I’d say that you might be interested.

Ham Radio Forum

Ham Radio Forum is a rather generic forum, but it does the job. I guess the title really does say it all here. A little bit of everything can be found as you dive throughout these pages.

Ham Radio Forum

Ham Radio Forum is the new kid on the block, and doesn’t have as much in its history as a lot of the other forums out there. It appears to be primarily dedicated to those who like using magloop antennas for HF work. I’ve personally never used a magloop, but if you’re looking for information on the subject, this may be a good place to start.  

iRV2 Ham Forum

iRV2 is dedicated to people who not only RV either full-time or a sizeable portion of the year, but they also have a ham radio forum for those RVers who also enjoy amateur radio while hitting the road. As such, you’re likely to find a lot of good information on mobile rigs here. If you’re not particularly interested in ham, I’ve found a lot of CB radio posts here that you may find helpful instead.

Many preppers are into RVs for bugging out or as a means to living cheaply to save money on housing for other purposes, whether getting out of debt or saving for something else. It’s possible to live off-grid in an RV and doing so is gaining in popularity. Preppers doing this will find this forum particularly useful as it combines the importance of prepper communications with RV life.

Mac Ham Radio

Mac Ham Radio is specifically dedicated to hams who use Macintosh computers and software for everything they do with their radios. In my experience, it’s often the software for various radios that is the most difficult concept to master, and it’s always helpful to find a forum that discusses workarounds for common problems.


MyGMRS forum focuses on GMRS communications (which are a very important part of post-disaster communications, by the way), there are some side discussions on ham that take place here as well.

Open Roads Radio

Open Roads Radio is another site that caters to the RV crowd. As such, there’s a lot of great mobile rig advice, whether we’re talking about ham, CB, or whatever other mobile options you may be interested in.


QRZ.com is one of the heavy hitters in the ham world, so if you’re looking for a forum that is bound to receive thousands of views on any topic, and potentially hundreds of replies, then this is a site that you’re going to want to frequent.

Radio Reference

Think of Radio Reference as something akin to a social media forum board, if you will. By that I mean, it’s only the most current posts that are at the top of the list. There’s no organization or index. What people have recently written – similar to Facebook – that is what you’ll see first. Maybe that’s your style, maybe not. Either way, this one’s out there if you want it.

Radio Astronomy

The Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers is a site for those who use radio waves to explore space, as well as for those who use space objects (e.g. the moon, sunspots, etc.) to transmit their messages to their intended targets. Astronomy can be used for grid-down navigation, and it can also be an extension of anyone’s amateur radio hobby. They’ve got something of a strange setup for their forum board, and the subject matter is most certainly not for everyone, but it may be something of interest to you. Preppers can use astronomy for navigation, so

Radio Discussions

Radio Discussions is a good catchall forum board for talking about just about anything that may come to mind. If you have a radio question, it’s likely to have an answer that can be found here. Shoot, even if you have a question or theory on the future of radio, politics and radio, or whatever, it may have an answer found here. That may or may not be what you’re looking for, but either way, there is a lot of solid information within this site on just about anything related to amateur radio.

Worldwide DX

Worldwide DX is another pretty good catch-all site, that particularly focuses on DX communications. If you have any interest in DXing whatsoever, you’re bound to find quality information from others who have been there already here.

Logging Off

happy ham radio
Happy hamming!

The internet is a big, big place. We’ve done our very best to include the ham radio forums that are out there, but there’s still a very good chance that we missed some. If there are any that you’re aware of that you particularly enjoy that you believe should be added to our list, give us a holler so that we can add it.

Likewise, if you have any comments or experiences with any of the above forum boards in the past, let us know in the comments below!

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Steve March 24, 2021 - 9:54 pm

Got blocked out of your join up !! Said to try later and I will also Ham radios they’re hard to find can you point me in the right direction and what is the best antenna I have just seen a 2030 foot Tower any advice get back to me thank you

Mark P January 24, 2022 - 2:36 pm

The link to the arrl forum instead is to the ar15 forum. Glad I found the ar15 – looks pretty cool, but I was trying to move over to the arrl site!

Derrick James January 24, 2022 - 3:00 pm

Fixed it – thank you.

Vladimir Melnikova March 4, 2022 - 12:33 pm

QRZ commits suicide!

QRZ is officially now a zombie forum, existing only as a woke Democrat leftist ‘brown nosing’ echo chamber as long term users abandon ship!

QRZ has presumably just gone woke! Fred and his Democrat cohort have allowed sycophantic users to launch an all out political war against any registered ham who does not want to obliterate all Russians! Great swathes of registered hams based only on a geographic location have been banned and any ham now carrying “unacceptable views” ( where have we heard that before) is threatened with similar treatments. Just read that rebel users are calling for a boycott of the site as Fred goes full Dubya Bush neocon war monger!

Advice: register for the database and never post anything! Use an ad blocker to save your ‘puter from a Amazon ad laced GPU meltdown!

2WR321_Greg November 16, 2022 - 8:21 pm

Not many ham sites, you could add “The World Radio Club” twrc.us and “CB Radio Talk dot com” cbradiotalk.com , they are many for citizen band radio but both have a lot of ham radio operators as members, there is plenty of info and knowledge in both forums, they even have real time chat rooms.

Derrick James November 18, 2022 - 2:02 pm

Good ideas – thanks.

John Bakas November 22, 2022 - 12:55 pm

FYI: The Geocaching forum was closed in March 2022, and is now a read-only archive.

Thank you for this list of Internet ham forums. I agree there’s not many. I thought I was just not finding them, your list is an excellent resource.

Wesley. October 8, 2023 - 6:21 pm

I already taking ham radio course in Canada and any information would be greatly appreciated and I m basic qualifications course at the moment

Scott April 5, 2024 - 10:15 pm

Hi Aden, thank you for posting the list of the forms greatly appreciated, completely new to the radio scene. Have a Ham class starting in June. What are these forms? Would you recommend for a complete beginner? I appreciate the time that you put in. Thank you.

Scott April 5, 2024 - 10:16 pm

I’m sorry, that should have said, which of these forms would you recommend for a beginner?


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