AI Photos of Preppers from Each State

by Trevor Holewinski

Generative AI has been the rage of late, stunning people with content creation. Chat GPT stunned folks when it was released and suddenly started churning out everything from recipes to essays to blog articles (it’s still human me writing here).

I read an article about AI generating images of people from different states. The program used to generate the images was Midjourney. I have my own Midjourney account and thought it would be interesting to take that same idea and put a spin on it – have AI generate photos of preppers in all 50 states.

The results were very telling about AI’s assessment of preppers. Apparently, AI thinks we are all white, bearded men who appear to live in poverty and hoard trash. Some of the results are downright entertaining. See the results for yourself below and tell me I’m wrong.


Did this prepper just experience a natural disaster or does his home always look like that?

AI Depicts Preppers in Alabama


Be careful of that fire, bro. Your shack is about to catch on fire!

AI Depicts Preppers in Alaska


Aaaah, sitting down with your bug out bag and staring off into the land of no water and no food.

AI Depicts Preppers in Arizona


Bud, watch that fire or your shack will burn down.

AI Depicts Preppers in Arkansas


Prepper or homeless? AI seems to blur the lines.

AI Depicts Preppers in California


Finally, a prepper who seems to be well-situated.

AI Depicts Preppers in Colorado


He has food!

AI Depicts Preppers in Connecticut


Prepper life = shack life.

AI Depicts Preppers in Delaware


That’s a lot to carry on one’s back.

AI Depicts Preppers in Florida


This guy doesn’t know fire safety either. His canvas tent home is about to burn down.

AI Depicts Preppers in Georgia


Fresh fruit and an ocean/mountain view. I might become a Hawaii prepper!

AI Depicts Preppers in Hawaii


I’m not quite sure what’s going on here, but the truck is split in half and there’s a fire on one half.

AI Depicts Preppers in Idaho


Illinois preppers represent with gas masks and hazmat suits. Well done!

AI Depicts Preppers in Illinois


This prepper is concerned about his identity… so he didn’t show up.

AI Depicts Preppers in Indiana


I think this Iowa prepper is now an aspiring prepper after suffering loss.

AI Depicts Preppers in Iowa


What is up with this guy’s odd rifle behind him!? AI flubbed this one up.

AI Depicts Preppers in Kansas


More in-the-woods shack life happening in Kentucky.

AI Depicts Preppers in Kentucky


This guy looks ready to disappear into the bayou – with wet boots.

AI Depicts Preppers in Louisiana


I live in Maine, and… well, I’ve seen this kind of home more than once.

AI Depicts Preppers in Maine


I hope this is a rundown shed and not his actual home.

AI Depicts Preppers in Maryland


This bro looks like he’s posing for a picture on Doomsday Preppers.

AI Depicts Preppers in Massachusetts


Another odd firearm depiction here.

AI Depicts Preppers in Michigan


This must be a low-cost bug out retreat.

AI Depicts Preppers in Minnesota


More trash hoarding in Mississippi.

AI Depicts Preppers in Mississippi


Not sure why he has so much crap on the walls of his tent, but he looks like a friendly guy.

AI Depicts Preppers in Missouri


Apparently in Montana you just have to be a cowboy to be a prepper.

AI Depicts Preppers in Montana


This bro is ready.

AI Depicts Preppers in Nebraska


I love this guy’s hair!

AI Depicts Preppers in Nevada

New Hampshire

Finally, a normal looking guy.

AI Depicts Preppers in New Hampshire

New Jersey

New Jersey preppers are at least patriotic, even if they just hoard trash in the woods.

AI Depicts Preppers in New Jersey

New Mexico

Nice firearms safety, AI.

AI Depicts Preppers in New Mexico

New York

Looks like a homeless encampment. I guess they got that part of New York right.

AI Depicts Preppers in New York

North Carolina

All smiles form this David Koresh looking guy. Is this the beginning of his post-apocalyptic cult?

AI Depicts Preppers in North Carolina

North Dakota

I’m not sure what I like more, the spikes coming out of his tent or the low-rider car parked next to it.

AI Depicts Preppers in North Dakota


Plenty of gear here.

AI Depicts Preppers in Ohio


He may have made this house entirely from pallets.

AI Depicts Preppers in Oklahoma


Face = hidden!

AI Depicts Preppers in Oregon


Wall of gear.

AI Depicts Preppers in Pennsylvania

Rhode Island

Interesting, a fisheye lens take.

AI Depicts Preppers in Rhode Island

South Carolina

Odd looking rifle here, but it’s otherwise consistent with every other image – bearded white guy.

AI Depicts Preppers in South Carolina

South Dakota

He just came back from Sturgis.

AI Depicts Preppers in South Dakota


I guess building a fire on your table is an option.

AI Depicts Preppers in Tennessee


At least Texas preppers will be able to keep the music alive after the apocalypse.

AI Depicts Preppers in Texas


High altitude prepper!

AI Depicts Preppers in Utah


I think I’ve actually seen this guy hiking the Green Mountains.

AI Depicts Preppers in Vermont


Is he on his way to the dump with that trash?

AI Depicts Preppers in Virginia


Another secretive prepper who won’t show his face. At least the view is pretty.

AI Depicts Preppers in Washington

West Virginia

Is that the entrance to a coal mine?

AI Depicts Preppers in West Virginia


I bet this guy dresses as Santa in December.

AI Depicts Preppers in Wisconsin


Wyoming preppers represented by a Dwarvish miner.

AI Depicts Preppers in Wyoming

What’s your takeaway on these images? Let me know in the comments.

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Lynn Magnuson August 21, 2023 - 7:26 am

Nice job!

Bill-Bill August 21, 2023 - 6:21 pm

Wow, great job on the pictures! All the preppers I know have homes,condo’s and/or cabins with stocked pantries,ammo,tools and bins to move out pretty quickly if needed. With these people if they had a fire or major storm they would be the homeless homeless! Then what?! You really do great research don’t you…

Cop prepper nc August 22, 2023 - 12:11 am

these were awesome! great job!!

Frank August 22, 2023 - 2:42 am

I find half of the guys look like Jase of the Robertson family and Duck Commander.

I noticed the baggy pants. Seriously, a person who preps would at least have the sense to buy better fitting clothing. Most of the guys looked like they had been wearing their clothes for years and also they oddly seemed to organize their gear and supplies in similar fashion.

I think most would create neater storage systems. I think they’d buy or build shelves and racks. It looked like they just picked a spot and dumped their stuff and gave little regard for their shelter.

The firearms all looked screwed up. I guess A.I. is liberal leaning and ignorant about firearms. Also, there were too many of certain items. Like the man with “the wall” of small packs, all identical except for the colors. The A.I. seems to express hoarding and represents this from repetitiveness.

Preppers don’t just buy or collect supplies and pile them. They organize things and store them so that they will last.

Theresa August 22, 2023 - 4:42 pm

Pretty amusing!! Interesting perspective from AI on the “structures”, firearms, supplies. Now, if only no one gives any advice on the reality of Preppers and prepping, we should all be fine when the apocalypse occurs, lol!! I am white, female, long hair but, no beard ( yet)!! Thanks for sharing, I feel safer already with AI putting out info, lol!!

keebler August 23, 2023 - 2:30 pm

Nice ,im just jealous ,Stuck in city till i heal more. taking inventory, getting the good stuff to the front of the line.

Derrick James August 23, 2023 - 3:18 pm

Don’t be jealous of AI photos. You’re prepping, that’s the most important thing.

Derrick James August 23, 2023 - 3:19 pm

lol @ “yet”

Jarhead Survivor September 11, 2023 - 10:36 pm

These were great! I’m curious to know what prompts you used to create these images? The things in common seem to be beards, packs, shacks, campfires (in weird places), all kinds of run-down stuff, plus a few odd-looking weapons.

Gary of Siouxland September 11, 2023 - 10:41 pm

Nevada prepper looks like Charleton Heston’s grandson. Wait! Maybe it IS Charleton Heston.

keebler September 11, 2023 - 11:32 pm

Cancer # 5 removed im on the up swing another surgery 25th sept on my throat. had that before P.O.Cake. hope all are ready for all thats coming, im just as ready as i can.
keebler in va.


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