Military Shortwave Frequencies to Know

by Gabe Gregoire
military shortwave frequencies
Officer using radio, 1940. Public domain.

If you’ve recently acquisitioned an HF radio you now have in your hands perhaps the most valuable source of intel possible for a post-disaster world. Now it’s time to make note of military shortwave frequencies for use should SHTF.

Here are some frequencies that could serve of great use to the prepper, despite their being primarily military communications. All are in upper sideband unless otherwise noted.

So, these are all frequencies that a prepper could listen in on if they have a radio that can receive shortwave. Generally, that means an HF radio. Those are the more expensive kind (often around $700+) that can engage in international communications.

If you want to download this entire list to save or print, there is a PDF link at the bottom.

Yaesu Original FT-991A HF/50/140/430 MHz All Mode Field Gear Transceiver - 100 Watts (50 Watts on 140/430MHz) - 3 Year Warranty
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  • 160 Meters through 70 Centimeters - SSB/CW/FM/C4FM Digital/AM
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Someone with one of these radios could tune in to those frequencies and hear the status of say a war, enemy troop locations, the effects of an EMP (helping you survive one), where a hurricane is headed, what the aftermath of a hurricane was, and so on.

You couldn’t legally transmit on virtually any of those, but you could listen to them all no problem. The only exception being the amateur hurricane watch net. So these would all be a means of intelligence gathering using an HF ham radio. So topic-wise:

  • Using HF Radio for Prepper Intelligence Gathering
  • Using Shortwave Radio for Prepper Intel
  • Radio Frequencies for Prepper Intel
  • Radio Frequencies for Prepper Data Harvesting
  • Using Your Radio for Intelligence Analysis
  • Intelligence Analysis Frequencies for the Prepper

United States Military Shortwave Frequencies

Air Force

3026 – Aero Off Route US Air Force Worldwide (Potentially also RAF Strike Command Integrated Communications System (STCICS)

3059 – Aero Off Route US Air Force Worldwide

3062 – Aero Off Route US Air Force Worldwide

3065 – Aero Off Route US Air Force Worldwide

3080 – Aero Off Route US Air Force Worldwide

3146 – Aero Off Route US Air Force Worldwide (Potentially Italian Navy)

3295 – US Air Force Airborne Command Post Network Worldwide

4341 – US Air Force Reserve Network Nationwide

4450 – US Air Force Special Operations Europe

4472 – US Air Force Airborne Command Post Network Worldwide

4495 – US Air Force Airborne Command Post Network Worldwide

4557 – US Air Force MARS Phone Patch Network

4590 – US Air Force MARS Transcontinental Network Nationwide

5026 – US Air Force Airborne Command Post Network Worldwide

5080 – US Air Force Western Missile Range

5204 – US Air Force Special Operations Europe

5349 – US Air Force Special Operations Europe

5684 – Aero Off Route US Air Force Worldwide

5687 – Aero Off Route US Air Force Worldwide

5690 – Aero Off Route US Air Force Worldwide (Potentially Swedish Air Force)

5732 – US Air Force Special Operations Worldwide

5800 – US Air Force Airborne Command Post Network Worldwide

5875 – US Air Force Airborne Command Post Network Worldwide

6685 – Aero Off Route US Air Force Worldwide (Potentially also the Norwegian Navy/Portuguese Air Force)

6761 – US Air Force Air Refueling Tactical Worldwide

6820 – US Air Force Western Missile Range

6993 – US Air Force Mystic Star VIP Support Network Worldwide

7633 – US Air Force MARS Phone Patch Network

8495 – US Air Force Reserve Network Nationwide

9026 – US Air Force Special Operations Europe

9120 – US Air Force Tactical Network Worldwide

9161 – US Air Force Special Operations Europe

9260 – US Air Force Tactical Network Worldwide

9809 – US Air Force Airborne Command Post Network Worldwide

10204 – US Air Force Airborne Command Post Network Worldwide

11104 – US Air Force Airborne Command Post Network Worldwide

11110 – US Air Force Western Missile Range

11214 – Aero Off Route US Air Force Worldwide (Potentially Canadian Military Aeronautical Communications System Discrete)

11241 – Aero Off Route US Air Force Worldwide (Potentially RAF Strike Command Integrated Communications System)

11470 – US Air Force Reserve Network Nationwide

11494 – US Air Force Airborne Command Post Network Worldwide

11611 – US Air Force Special Operations Europe

11816 – US Air Force Reserve Network Nationwide


5087 – US Army Material Command Nationwide

6020 – US Army Corp of Engineers Point-to-Point Network Nationwide

9999 – US Army Network Nationwide

10165 – US Army Network Nationwide

Coast Guard

3163 – US Coast Guard 9th District Network

4426 – US Coast Guard Calling/Broadcast Nationwide

4448 – US Coast Guard Tactical

5272 – US Coast Guard Tactical

5320 – US Coast Guard Tactical Network Worldwide

5399 – US Coast Guard Tactical

5422 – US Coast Guard Tactical

5424 – US Coast Guard 9th District Network

6234 – US Coast Guard Tactical

6815 – US Coast Guard Tactical

7421 – US Coast Guard Tactical

7507 – US Navy/Coast Guard Hurricane Contingency Net

7530 – US Coast Guard 9th District Network

7626 – US Coast Guard Tactical

7773 – US Coast Guard Tactical

7884 – US Coast Guard Tactical

7909 – US Coast Guard Tactical

8091 – US Coast Guard Tactical

8126 – US Coast Guard 9th District Network

8337 – US Coast Guard Tactical

9278 – US Coast Guard 9th District Network

10373 – US Coast Guard 9th District Network

10608 – US Coast Guard Tactical

10675 – US Coast Guard Tactical

10759 – US Coast Guard Tactical

10788 – US Coast Guard Tactical

10993 – US Coast Guard Tactical

11043 – US Coast Guard 9th District Network

11157 – US Coast Guard Tactical

11202 – Aero Off Route Frequency US Coast Guard Worldwide (Potentially Swedish Air Force)

National Guard

2309 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

2360 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

2520 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

2627 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

3170 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

3274 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

4442 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

4445 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

4517 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

4536 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

4562 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

4607 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

4637 – US Army National Guard Nationwide/Danish Navy Network (CW)

4776 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

4857 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

4957 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

5062 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

5126 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

5202 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

5217 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

5232 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

5298 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

5323 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

5429 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

5770 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

5777 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

5817 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

5847 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

5877 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

6047 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

6766 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

6910 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

7646 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

8037 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

8047 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

8053 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

8056 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

8093 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

8157 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

9121 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

9141 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

10232 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

10796 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

10815 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

12057 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

12087 – US Army National Guard Nationwide

Marine Corps

4041 – US Navy/Marine Corps MARS Network Nationwide

7381 – US Navy/Marine Corps MARS Network Nationwide

7500 – US Marine Corps Tactical Network Worldwide

10255 – US Navy/Marine Corps MARS Common Nationwide

10883 – US Marine Corps Tactical Network Worldwide


2518 – US Navy Tactical Network Worldwide

2792 – US Navy SESEF Discrete Point Loma, California

3050 – Aero Off Route US Navy Worldwide

3083 – Aero Off Route US Navy Worldwide

3086 – Aero Off Route US Navy Worldwide

3166 – US Navy Tactical Network Worldwide

3236 – US Navy SESEF Discrete Ediz Hook, Washington

3307 – US Navy Tactical Network Worldwide

4041 – US Navy/Marine Corps MARS Network Nationwide

4101 – US Navy Tactical Network Worldwide

4153 – US Navy Tactical Network Worldwide

4395 – US Navy Tactical Network Worldwide

4528 – US Navy Tactical Network Worldwide

4926 – US Navy Tactical Network Worldwide

5304 – US Navy SESEF Discrete Yokosuka Japan

5726 – Aero Off Route US Navy Worldwide (Potentially Antarctica Operations)

5840 – US Navy Tactical Network Worldwide

6694 – Aero Off Route US Navy Worldwide (Potentially also Canadian Forces Military Discrete)

6706 – Aero Off Route US Navy Worldwide (Potentially also Canadian Military Aernautical Communications System

6937 – US Navy Space Shuttle Support Network Atlantic Ocean

8150 – US Navy SESEF Discrete Norfolk, Virginia

8998 – Aero Off Route US Navy Worldwide (Potentially Antarctica Operations)

10255 – US Navy/Marine Corps MARS Common Nationwide

11262 – Aero Off Route US Navy Worldwide (Potentially Spanish Air Force Network)

Space Warfare

6427 – US Navy Space Warfare Command Network Nationwide

8689 – US Navy Space Warfare Command Network Nationwide

12687 – US Navy Space Warfare Command Network Nationwide

Other American Entities

Armed Forces Networks

4319 – Armed Forces Network (AFN) Diego Garcia Local Night

4993 – Armed Forces Network (AFN) Sigonella, Italy 24 Hours

5765 – Armed Forces Network Guam Local Night

6350 – Armed Forces Network (AFN) Hawaii Local Night

6458 – Armed Forces Network (AFN) Puerto Rico 24 Hours

7590 – Armed Forces Network Iceland Local Night

10320 – Armed Forces Network Hawaii Local Day

12579 – Armed Forces Network Diego Garcia Local Day

12689 – Armed Forces Network Key West, Florida 24 Hours

Civil Air Patrol

2371 – Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Nationwide

2374 – Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Nationwide

4466 – Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Northeast/Southeast Regions

4469 – Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Northeast/Southeast Regions

4506 – Civil Air Patrol (CAP) North Central Region

4509 – Civil Air Patrol (CAP) North Central Region

4582 – Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Middle East/Pacific Regions

4585 – Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Middle East/Pacific Regions

4601 – Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Great Lakes/Rocky Mountain Regions

4604 – Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Great Lakes/Rocky Mountain Regions

4627 – Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Southwest Region

4630 – Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Southwest Region

7635 – Civil Air Patrol Nationwide

Department of Veteran Affairs

12076 – Department of Veteran Affairs Emergency Network Nationwide

Energy Department

4479 – Energy Department Network Nationwide

7428 – Energy Department Network Nationwide

Environmental Protection Agency

3360 – EPA

4990 – EPA

6821 – EPA


2658 – FEMA

3341 – FEMA

5211 – FEMA

5402 – FEMA

6809 – FEMA

7348 – FEMA

9462 – FEMA

10194 – FEMA

10493 – FEMA

10588 – FEMA

10899 – FEMA

11108 – FEMA

12112 – FEMA

12216 – FEMA

Interior Department

3253 – Interior Department Network Nationwide

4863 – US Interior Department Network Nationwide

Justice/Treasury Department

2807 – Justice/Treasure Departments Tactical Network Nationwide

4991 – Justice/Treasure Departments Tactical Network Nationwide

5912 – Justice/Treasury Departments Tactical Network Nationwide


5180 – NASA Space Shuttle SRB Recovery Net Atlantic Ocean

3187 – NASA Space Shuttle SRB Recovery Network Atlantic Ocean

5190 – NASA Space Shuttle SRB Recovery Net Atlantic Ocean

National Communications Network

2301 – National Communications System Nationwide

9054 – National Communications Network Nationwide

Transportation Department and Command

3303 – Transportation Department Emergency Net Nationwide

5008 – Transportation Department Emergency Net Nationwide

5300 – US Transportation Command Nationwide

5305 – US Transportation Command Nationwide

7375 – Transportation Department Emergency Net Nationwide

7582 – Transportation Department Emergency Net Nationwide

9076 – Transportation Department Emergency Net Nationwide

10891 – Transportation Department Emergency Net Nationwide

11028 – Transportation Department Emergency Net Nationwide

US Southern Border Security

9435 – US Customs and Border Protection Nationwide (Lower side band)

US Electricity

4438 – Bellcore/Power Utility Network Nationwide

Foreign Militaries

Australian Military

4375 – Royal Australian Navy Worldwide

6510 – Royal Australian Navy Worldwide

Bahamas Military

8156 – Bahamas Defense Forces

Brazilian Military

8310 – Brazilian Navy Network

9117 – Brazilian Navy Network

11010 – Brazilian Navy Network

11486 – Brazilian Navy Network

12370 – Brazilian Navy Network

Canadian Military

4023 – Canadian Forces Affiliate Radio System (CFARS) Worldwide

4052 – Canadian Forces Affiliate Radio System (CFARS) Worldwide

4379 – Canadian Forces Halifax Military Discrete Worldwide

4560 – Canadian Forces Military Maritime Command Discrete Worldwide

5198 – Canadian Forces Maritime Command Network Worldwide

5850 – Canadian Forces Halifax Military Discrete Worldwide

6694 – Aero Off Route US Navy Worldwide (Potentially also Canadian Forces Military Discrete)

6706 – Aero Off Route US Navy Worldwide (Potentially also Canadian Military Aeronautical Communications System

6962 – Canadian Forces Affiliate Radio System (CFARS) Worldwide

6978 – Canadian Forces Affiliate Radio System (CFARS) Worldwide

6982 – Canadian Forces Affiliate Radio System (CFARS) Worldwide

8050 – Canadian Forces Military Discrete Worldwide

9023 – NORAD/Canadian Forces Tactical

11007 – Canadian Forces Halifax Discrete Worldwide

11214 – Aero Off Route US Air Force Worldwide (Potentially Canadian Military Aeronautical Communications System Discrete)

Danish Military

2250 – Danish Air Force Network

4637 – US Army National Guard Nationwide/Danish Navy Network (CW)

4840 – Danish Air Force Network

5120 – Danish Air Force Network

French Military

8972 – French Air Force Network

Italian Military

3146 – Aero Off Route US Air Force Worldwide (Potentially Italian Navy)

New Zealand Military

3192 – Royal New Zealand Navy Worldwide

8316 – Royal New Zealand Navy Worldwide

Norwegian Military

6685 – Aero Off Route US Air Force Worldwide (Potentially also the Norwegian Navy/Portuguese Air Force)

Portuguese Military

6685 – Aero Off Route US Air Force Worldwide (Potentially also the Norwegian Navy/Portuguese Air Force)

Spanish Military

11262 – Aero Off Route US Navy Worldwide (Potentially Spanish Air Force Network)

Swedish Military

5690 – Aero Off Route US Air Force Worldwide (Potentially Swedish Air Force)

11202 – Aero Off Route Frequency US Coast Guard Worldwide (Potentially Swedish Air Force)

UK Military

4540 – UK Royal Air Force Architect Network Worldwide

5450 – UK Royal Air Force VOLMET

8190 – UK Royal Air Force Architect Network Worldwide

Other Broadcasts of Note


2562 – US Navy Hurricane Contingency Support Net Gulf of Mexico

3365 – NASA Hurricane Contingency Support Network Atlantic Ocean

3950 – Amateur Radio Hurricane Watch Net Worldwide (on lower side band)

4900 – US Air Force Hurricane Contingency Support Net Eastern Test Range

5350 – US Air Force Hurricane Contingency Support Net Eastern Test Range

7412 – US Air Force Hurricane Contingency Support Net Eastern Test Range

9380 – US Navy/Coast Guard Hurricane Contingency Net

10305 – US Air Force Hurricane Contingency Support Net Eastern Test Range

11440 – US Air Force Hurricane and Rescue Support Network Worldwide

Sea Accidents

3023 – Aero/Marine Search and Rescue Coordination Worldwide

6215 – Marine Global Maritime Distress/Safety System Worldwide

12290 – Marine Global Maritime Distress/Safety System Worldwide

The Red Cross

6858 – American Red Cross Disaster Network Nationwide

6996 – International Red Cross Worldwide

7549 – American Red Cross Disaster Network Nationwide

If you found this list helpful and want to save a digital copy or print a hard copy – download the PDF:

Military Shortwave Frequencies PDF

Did we miss any that you think should be included? Let us know in the comment section.

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Guystappo July 11, 2022 - 2:48 pm

Totally random and out dated frequencies.

DARRYL SKIVERS September 30, 2022 - 1:28 am

New radio frequency’s
thanks for the list
KE6BQG / 6

Brad Low - K5BDL January 16, 2024 - 7:14 pm

USAF Global High Frequency System Primary on 11175 USB should be in the list

Bryan April 14, 2024 - 2:21 am

Are these freqs in megahertz?


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