Where There Is No Doctor Book- Free PDF Download

by Derrick James
where there is no doctor

There are countless books that cover the basics of medical care when you cannot reach a doctor or hospital, whether because you are remote or because of a post-collapse situation. I’ve linked to some of those books below. The best book on this subject, in my opinion, is Where There Is No Doctor.

I already wrote about downloading Where There Is No Dentist as a critical component to your medical care preparations. I wrote that article before writing this one, because I believe most preppers are already familiar with Where There Is No Doctor. Fewer are familiar with Where There Is No Dentist.

However, I am reminded through emails and conversations that there is an endless influx of people new to prepping, and even some long-time preppers are unaware of these two wonderful resources on medical care when conventional means are unavailable.

A Medical Book for People Without Training

Hesperian Health Guides describes the book this way:

Considered by the World Health Organization to be the most widely-used health care manual in the world, this classic title is for health workers, clinicians, health educators, midwives, community leaders, and others involved in primary health care delivery and health promotion around the world. This accessible, richly illustrated, and practical guide covers a wide range of health issues from common illnesses to nutrition, the health of children to health and care of the elderly, and from family planning and childbirth to serious illnesses like tuberculosis. Throughout there is an emphasis on addressing the underlying causes of poor health and a focus on cleanliness, healthy diet, vaccinations, and an appropriate, cautious use of medication, including an examination of helpful and harmful home remedies.

Where There Is No Doctor equips readers to protect and care for their own health and that of their families and their communitie


It is true that this book was written for people serving developing countries, where immunizations, sanitation, and other important factors contributing to a population’s overall health is lacking or non-existent. Preppers, in a grid down situation, would likely still have the knowledge and resources to practice things like proper sanitation. Most people in the developed world have had immunizations as children. Still, this book covers other aspects of medical care that preppers could find useful when social systems collapse and the medical care we are accustomed to evaporates.

Medical Care Resources for Preppers

You may have read our other posts like whether you should become an EMT, disaster life support training, or covering gear like the individual trauma IFAK kit. There is, of course, a whole world of education and training out there for people who want to gain medical knowledge for society’s inevitable collapse. Many preppers put this type of training as a lower priority, whether intentionally or as unintentionally.

I understand why. Medical training is not easy, and for many, it is an intimidating subject. It shouldn’t be, however. The same as you do not have to be an expert in bushcraft to take basic preparations for outdoor survival, or an expert marksman in order to protect your home, you do not need to be a doctor to have basic first aid know-how. Well-rounded preppers should fold medical knowledge, equipment, and resources into their overall preparations. This includes book, in particular, grid-down paperback books.

Where There Is No Doctor – Paperback Version

I have paperback book over digital books. The reason (beyond they are easier on my eyes and more enjoyable to read) is obvious – if the grid goes down – you still have your book readily available. You are not reliant on power, batteries, or electronics to access the important survival information you have stocked for reference during this time. Having an inventory of prepper books allows you to rest a bit easier knowing that if you did need to reference it, you have a copy no matter what.

Where There Is No Doctor: A Village Health Care Handbook (2024 Revision)
  • Used Book in Good Condition
  • David Werner (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 446 Pages - 01/01/2020 (Publication Date) - Hesperian Health Guides (Publisher)

While Where There Is No Doctor is available as a download (below), I would suggest you buy a paperback version instead of, or in addition to, the pdf copy. You will wish you had if power is out and you or a family member now has gangrene… a sample page from the book:

A sample page from the book, this one covering gangrene.

Now, for those of you that don’t want to spend the money or are comfortable with owning just a digital copy…

Where There Is No Doctor – Download the PDF

Hesperian Health Guides has been kind enough to remove copyright restrictions on the digital distribution of this version of the book. Thus, even if you don’t buy the paperback copy, or in addition to the paperback (“two is one and one is none”), you can still have a copy saved on a computer, laptop, tablet, etc. Here you go:

Download Where There Is No Doctor – PDF

Download the book from that link. Note that this version is not the most recent version of the book. I believe the most recent version is only available for purchase.

Note: Send this article to your friends so they too can download it. After all, they might some day need it to perform work on you!

Additional Medical Books for Preppers

Want to expand on your library of medical books for your survival stash? You should also get a copy of Where There is No Dentist.

Where There Is No Dentist
  • Used Book in Good Condition
  • Dickson, Murray (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 248 Pages - 01/01/2021 (Publication Date) - Hesperian Health Guides (Publisher)

Here are a few other recommended titles to get you started:

What kind of measures are you taking as a prepper to be ready for medical care? Let us know in the comments section.

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