Larder Staples for Preppers

by Derrick James
prepper survival

If not at the top of prepper lists, certainly food stocks are very close.  Most preppers understand the basic necessity for water first, but in short order people are going to get hungry.  This natural instinctive urge matters not the circumstances of either bugging in or out.  Basic and consistent nutrition is critical to survival performance in the both the short haul and the long.

Food stocks do not have to be exotic or fancy.  When building stocks for long term survivability, trim down the types of unnecessary food items or the most expensive types.  Keep the base food stuffs basic, and supplement it with other tastes and seasonings or in the manner of preparations to add extra flavor or texture.

Base Fixings

h2o survival storage

A prepper contact of mine is married to a lady he met in the Navy while in Hawaii.  She is from South Korea.  Give this woman a bag of rice and she can dish out a series of menus just supplemented with vegetables and meats her husband contributes.  He hunts, fishes, gardens, raises rabbits and chickens, mainly for eggs.  Their bug in home makes for an ideal bug out.  They have everything on site including a water well he drilled by himself.

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These preppers never have less than several hundred pounds of rice on hand at all times.  This their basic food besides a big variety of seasonally canned vegetables from the annual garden.  This process works quite well for them.  My friend has adapted well to eating South Korean cuisine.

Base foods like rice makes for a grand start.  Other options include a host and variety of pastas of which there are many choices.  Boxed or container potatoes can be formulated into many meals.  Having plenty of these basic foundation foods is a good start to staving off starving.  Always have on hand supplies of flour, sugar and other such cooking goods.

Supplemental Fixings

You may have planned for a garden at some point, but short of that consider all types of canned or packaged processed foods that can be added to the base layers.  Begin with cans of vegetables all every type.  Have canned tomatoes as an essential supplemental food to make all kinds of dishes.  Bottled or canned cheese can be useful.

Supplemental food choices are almost endless.  Add all kinds of beans and peas, even bags of dried beans should be stocked.  Put plenty of canned meats on the shelf including tuna, chicken, salmon, and other open and eat selections.  All canned goods should be easy peel open.

As to seasonings, have plenty of a wide selection.  Packaged or bottled sauces, gravy mixes and such will add flavor, too.  Chicken and beef bouillon in cubes or powder will help build many recipes.  Powdered milk may be yucky tasting alone, but mixed in it can add to flavoring.  With it you can add mixes for pancakes or waffles.  Stock some syrups, too.

prepper freeze dried food

Canned or dried and bagged fruits also add beneficial vitamins and flavors to a survival diet.  Dried fruits like raisins, peaches, apricots also make good snacks.  Mentioning snacks, have containers of mixed nuts, fruit bars, granola mixes, and some candies that last a long time in less than ideal storage conditions.

Preppers realize that food stuffs are both critical and essential.  For that simple reason, preppers need to stock up, rotate stocks as it is used, and continue to build reserves in the event a SHTF event develops.

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polly October 19, 2017 - 3:47 am

well l just went through hurricane irma and we bugged in. one thing my neighbors had the hardest time with was boredom eating by their kids. l agree with having the staple items in your inventory. l would suggest non microwavable popcorn and maybe some card games to help keep that from happening when supplies are limited.

irishdutchuncle October 19, 2017 - 8:27 am

just a pinch of cayenne pepper, makes all the difference sometimes…

I gar-on-tee!

TPSnodgrass October 19, 2017 - 6:21 pm

As a kid, I once tried to eat a Vienna sausage. I find the taste terrible, and the smell even worse. My father loved them, and there were always cans of them in the house.
We don’t have any, we went another non-Vienna sausage route for our meat/protein use and storage needs . Oh, and the old, “…if you are hungry, you would eat them…”, thing doesn’t work for me. We were dirt poor when I was a kid, and didn’t eat them then, went hungry by choice.

Cory October 19, 2017 - 9:55 pm

Vienna’s are an acquired taste. My grandmother always fed them to us when we were growing up. Been hooked on them ever since.

Dave H October 19, 2017 - 7:09 pm

I personally went down the dehydration route. If done correctly they have a very long shelf life. Plus they take up less space. For example I put 55lbs of peas into a 5 gallon bucket after dehydration. I didn’t measure it before I dehydrated them but the shrink to a fraction of their size.

Gritnsteel October 22, 2017 - 10:36 am

Store whole wheat and whole corn in Mylar-5gal buckets bought from cattle feed stores. Last 40 years for $7 each. Hope you like cornbread. Put enough away to feed 50 people for a year. It’ll take that many to keep them off…


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