How do you know if you are sincerely a prepper or not? There are many signs you might be a prepper. Do you qualify if you have a basement full of freeze-dried foods stockpiled in your basement? If you have a gun? If you keep a sleeping bag in your car?
Well, odds are you can answer with a definitive ‘yes’ if you can honestly say yes to anything below. So, without further ado, you might be a prepper if…
1) If you can sincerely say, “There was a toilet paper shortage?”

And if all else fails, you have quite a collection of old socks.
2) Your bug out vehicle looks a little like this…

“But there was no interest for 24 months, honey!”
3) When your friends question you on your nuke, bio-warfare, asteroid, zombie, and alien invasions preps…

Got it covered!
4) There’s so much EDC in your pockets your pants look like this…

Pistol, fire starter, extra mags, fixed blade knife, folder, flashlight, pepper spray…
5) This is you and your friends’ faces when you see a new HAM radio…

“It’s frequency hopping!”
6) Your EDC kit has grown a bit too large…

Be honest. We’ve all been there.
7) When you find out the zombies are coming…

You have to admit, there’s a leeeetle part of you that wants this.
8) This is you gearing up to get groceries…

Shoot, in 2020 this is just daily life, right?
9) You go to the gun store and be like…

You can pay the bills next week.
10) This is how your family talks about you at family reunions…
They’ll be thankful for you someday!
11) You’re the only one at the grocery store with a mask on that actually works…

Cloth mask? Please…
12) You watched Rambo with a notepad and pen…

“I need to remember that, and that, and that, and that…”
13) You’re familiar with the “new holster walk”…

Dang IWB holsters!
14) When your wife tells you to sweep the house she now adds “with the BROOM”…

Too late!
15) You hear a window break at night, cock both revolvers, and say, “FINALLY!”

“You picked the wrong house, punk!”
16) Your reaction when your friends admit post-disaster that they should’ve prepped too…
Because who doesn’t love a good, “I told ya so”?
17) You’ve never run out of toothpaste. Ever.

“Toothpaste deliveryyyy!”
18) You’ve thought through what you would do in a zombie apocalypse more than you care to admit…

For some reason this is the most fun prepping situation to imagine.
19) Your bug out bag is like Mary Poppin’s purse…

“Does anybody need a tourniquet? What about an AR pistol?”
20) Your wife heads out of town, so your kids are eating MREs for dinner…
MREs – it’s what’s for dinner.