20-Gallon Wurx Water Container Review

by Trevor Holewinski

I don’t need to stress the prepper’s need for clean, potable water as part of one’s overall long-term preparedness strategy, but the challenge is always in storing it. It’s heavy and takes up space. Fortunately, there are many storage options to choose from, the 20-gallon Wurx water container being one.

I’ve lost count of how many different water storage containers and purification/filtering products I’ve either seen, tested, or owned. The Wurx container was a new one to me, so I had to check it out. It’s unique in a few ways, so I ordered one.

Products mentioned in this article include:

20-gallon Wurx water containerAmazon and Wurx
Coleman 5-gallon water jug with spigotAmazon
55-gallon water barrelAmazon and Valley Food Storage
Navy SEAL Physical Fitness Guide: Exercises, Condition, and TrainingAmazon
Water Supply TanksWater Supply Tanks
The Prepper’s Water Survival GuideAmazon

Unboxing the Wurx Water Container

The 20-gallon Wurx water container, this one being the Spring Creek model, came wrapped in plastic inside a large cardboard box. Circular in shape, it has a 24″ diameter and is 14″ high. It is constructed of thick-walled BPA-free high-density polyethylene plastic and weighs 14 lbs (empty).

Where one gallon of water weighs 8.33 lbs, this container (when full) will weigh 180.6 lbs (8.33 x 20 + 14). See what I mean about water being heavy?

Beyond the Spring Creek container itself, the package includes a a detachable spigot, 3″ plastic cap, and a small installation tool that stows into the top of the container.

What I Like

There are a few things that make the 20-gallon Wurx water container different, and those are the attributes that made it appeal to me in the first place.


I like prepper gear that doubles as outdoor gear. In other words, if I’m going to buy something for personal preparedness, I like to be able to use it today, not just some future, possible SHTF situation.

This isn’t always possible. Some equipment is really geared only for post-collapse survival, but a lot of gear can double for other “real world” activities such as hiking, camping, hunting, etc. That’s the type of gear that gets a purchase priority from me, because it gets better bang for the buck. It’s not something that just sits around waiting for the apocalypse to prove its value, but it can be used in the here and now.

The Wurx water container works well for home water storage, but is also perfect for a variety of vehicle-based activities such as camping, tailgating parties, etc. I had been using a Coleman 5-gallon water jug with spigot when we go camping, and it has served us well, but I find myself being overly cautious and conservative about using it, mainly because I don’t want to have to go keep filling it up. With this 20-gallon container, I can set it in the back of the truck, drive to a potable water source, and fill it up. Then we’re good for the entire long weekend trip. No refills needed.

I should also note that this jug has bug out utility. If your bug out plan involves travelling a long distance in a truck through dry areas (I’m thinking the Southwest), the 20-gallon Wurx water container fits the bill perfectly. The only better option might be the water storage that comes with a camper, but it can supplement that supply as well, extending your ability to stay “away” for even longer.

Great Mid-Sized Home Storage

We all come from different places and have different needs, so when you’re shopping for prepper gear, it’s good to have options. What works for a prepper living on a remote homestead usually won’t work for someone living in an apartment.

This is particularly true with water storage for the reasons already mentioned, space and weight. This Wurx product offers a mid-sized solution that lies between 5-gallon jugs and 55-gallon barrels. You are getting 20 gallon’s worth of storage in a relatively small footprint. It’s slightly more compact (and of much better quality) than buying four 5-gallon jugs to reach 20 gallons.

Close up of spigot on the left. Manufacturer’s photo of 3 units stacked on the right.

Even better, the Wurx container is stackable, up to 3 units high. You can now take that floor footprint (24″ x 24″) and go vertical with it. So, if your 2′ x 2′ section of floor will hold 541.8 lbs, you can now use that space to hold 60 total gallons. Using a rough guide of 1 gallon per-person per-day, you can begin to see how this would help you reach an “X days” level of preparedness in short order.

Small, Medium, and Large

For a visual comparison of size, see the picture below. From left to right, you have large, small, and the Wurx – medium. This is the 260-gallon SureWater tank on the left, a 5-gallon jug in the middle, and the Wurx on the right.

small medium and larger water storage

Optional Spigot

The product comes with a spigot that can be used for easy extraction of the water. This is much easier than getting the water out of barrel with a hand pump, as an example. You turn the handle on and off, just like you would a faucet. That’s a feature critical for camping.


When you get to 180.6 lbs, “portability” might come with a question mark. At 14 lbs (empty), it’s easy for one person to move around. A tragedy strikes? Move the empty container to your bug out vehicle and fill it up while it’s in the vehicle.

But what if the water is shut off or water is otherwise unavailable? You filled the container for that reason, but now moving that much weight to your vehicle? That’s a different matter. Most people reading this are not able to just grab a 180 jug and throw it around. We don’t all have the physical training of a Navy Seal.

This challenge is made easier with the container’s two handles, one on each side. So while one person might not be able to safely heft it around, two people can.

wurx water container top view
Top view showing handles on each side, top cap, and bung wrench.

The above picture also shows the four raised sections spreading out from the center. These are for stacking additional units on top. The bottom of the container has indents that sit in these raised sections, helping “lock” them in place for better stability.

Made in the USA

Wurx products are made in the U.S.A. Spending my money on U.S. made products isn’t always easy, because sometimes there just isn’t that option. But when you can, you’re supporting American jobs, American workers, and you get the side benefit of reducing the carbon footprint of having something produced and shipped all the way from China.

What I Don’t Like

Some people are going to balk at the price, roughly $100. I can understand that, everyone has their own budget that they’re working with, but I find the product is worth the money from a quality-of-construction perspective. You may not find the use of it worth the money, but the product quality is comparable to the cost.

The only criticism I have of the unit lies with the spigot. It’s an optional spigot. You can use it or not, but when not in use, you have to store it somewhere. But where? On top of the unit? That’s fine, if nothing else is sitting on top of it, but chances are there will be. And what if you’re taking it camping? You have to take it with you and put it somewhere. Don’t lose it!

Compare this to the 5-gallon jug. The spigot with that unit can be turned around within the cap so that the spigot can be secured with the unit, stowed and protected inside the jug. Then, when you want to use it, you simply unscrew the cap, flip the spigot around, and screw it back on for use.

It would seem to me that with a slight modification to this Wurx water container, the same could be accomplished, making it fully self-contained.

What do you use for water storage? For more reading on the subject, consider Daisy Luther’s book The Prepper’s Water Survival Guide:

The Prepper's Water Survival Guide: Harvest, Treat, and Store Your Most Vital Resource
  • Luther, Daisy (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 222 Pages - 04/13/2020 (Publication Date) - Ulysses Press (Publisher)

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