10 Signs of a Crumbling Society – Why You Should Prepare for When TSHTF

by survival_drew

Every now and then I ask myself why I prep. After all it doesn’t look like society is in any danger of immediate collapse. On the surface the market is doing well, the economy is back on track, the political picture may not be exactly stable, but it’s predictable.

So what’s there to worry about?  Well, I got thinking about it and here’s what I came up with.

Here – in no particular order – are 10 Signs of a crumbling society:

  1. We’re moving towards becoming a police state. When even the littlest police department has a SWAT team delivering warrants for minor things and a simple traffic stop could end up with the driver in the hospital because the cops didn’t like the way he rolled down his window we’ve got trouble.
  2. Our privacy is gone. We have the NSA reading our email, listening to our phone conversations, and any other type of communication medium out there. This is another sign our government is taking away more and more of our freedom.
  3. The market is only doing well because the Fed has been pumping $80 billion in fake money to prop it up. If they were to cut this money out suddenly God knows what would happen, but it likely wouldn’t be good.
  4. People are becoming more and more unstable out there. Folks walking into a theater and opening fire, or driving through a crowd of innocent people or over kids playing in the street for no reason at all. This suggests to me that people care less about consequences and at least part of that may be due to high stress levels we live in today. The economy, lack of jobs, and other pressures are causing people to snap.
  5. Economic pressure. For example: both parents are now working full time to support the family. I have a good job that pays pretty well and so does my wife. We both make decent money, but we’re not rich by any stretch. We don’t spend extravagantly yet every time it looks like we might get ahead by a little the oil bill hits or something else pops up. The lifestyle we used to live is slipping away and now we’ll have to make cuts somewhere in order to save any cash.  For example:  daycare is $300 a week for two kids!
  6. Jobs in some places are still hard to find. Despite what the government says there are many people still out of work. When you have college educated people lining up to work at Walmart there are still serious issues with the economy and the government throwing money at it will not make it better. If you have lost your job you know what it’s like for TS to HTF.
  7. The Department of Homeland Security is another symptom of your rights being stripped away in the interest of keeping you safe. This department is growing in size and strength and it worries me.
  8. Fiat currency.  This might fall in line with the market point above, but I think that our currency model is flawed.  With the trillions of dollars pumped into the system over the last five years it’s hard to predict how that will effect us later, or maybe it did serve it’s purpose and pulled us out of the crash back in ’08.  Maybe it would work if we didn’t abuse it; however, I think that as long as we have derivatives in the market place we’re riding  a stick of lit dynamite with no idea when it’s going to go off.
  9. As a nation we’re more interested in Justin Beiber’s arrest than we are in the poverty that plagues our nation.  People either don’t see it or don’t care, but either way it’s a problem that we need to wake up from.
  10. The declining middle class.  It’s no secret that the rich are getting richer and the middle class is slowly eroding away.  The gap between the two continues to grow.

There are more examples of course.  Crumbling infrastructure, government shutdowns, rich lobbyists buying what they want for their owners, and on and on.

You’ve seen other reasons to prep just recently.  In Virginia chemicals leaked out and contaminated water supplies.  Even if you had the fancy water filters they’d still be useless in this situation.  The best thing you could do would be to have water stocked up and ready to go.

Job loss, unexpected illness, an accident, mall shootings, your GPS getting you lost, are all examples of a personal SHTF event and in my mind are more likely than a societal collapse.  However, that’s not to say I don’t have that thought lurking in the back of my mind.  Anything is possible and in the end it makes sense to be ready for the curve balls that life might throw at you.  That’s why I have a get home bag in my truck and some extra food and water stored away.

You just never know what’s around the next corner.

Some people say things aren’t going down hill in our country and world.  That everything is just fine.  If you believe that I’m happy for you.  Who knows, maybe it is.  I don’t think of myself as an alarmist, but with all the shootings and crazy stuff lately I find it hard to believe that everything is perfectly ok.

What do you think?

Are YOU ready?

Questions?  Comments?

Sound off below!

-Jarhead Survivor

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S.Q.Whrill January 27, 2014 - 12:52 pm

Yes you are right. something is a brewing.but when is the question,
all we can do is be ready and do our best to live thru it


BCin PA January 27, 2014 - 2:06 pm

I agree wholeheartely that we seem to be heading down a very slippery slope at an ever increasing speed. The sense of everything snowballing at breakneck pace is almost unbearable. I spend every free moment checking and double checking preps. I know we are no where at the level I want to be. Being part of that rapidly disappearing middle class we are just trying to keep the bills paid on time with no room to add any more. I spend time trying to find ways of doing without those preps we didnt get to.

TTinIndiana January 27, 2014 - 2:45 pm

I seen all this crap coming, especially the vast corruption and lying media, back in the early seventies. I was called crazy for standing up to corrupt unions, government, special interest groups, against about everything mainstream and accepted by the common sheep. Now to today where at a ripe old age.. I have NO rights or so-called freedoms the heroes to social engineers claim I have. Especially living in a town like Terre Haute, Indiana. Where every office and official and worker are labeled Democrats, socialist or progressives, nothing else allowed. Of course this is a multiple college liberal (sic) college town but it’s like living in Bolshevik Soviet Union, China, Israel or North Korea. And I’m not kidding. I can’t go to meetings cause I’m out numbered by the many enemies here and haters of freedom and freedom of thought. We dare not speak out against one element of the corruption or else all come out of the woodwork to see to it you are silenced, harassed, or attacked in some way by someone from every corner. That includes X military and presently with the guard that in no-way are ‘Oath Keepers’ or seem to acknowledge our Constitution or simple God given rights. I think it’s all over but the crying but the sheep are too numb to see the troubles or to cry preferring ignorance over knowledge since it hurts too much, or might hurt their pride or show their foolishness.

Being a veteran I can’t even get vet groups interested to stand for much here. I can’t get help with several issues I’ve had here and in dealing with misconduct and corruption with dealing with attorneys, the VA health care system and etc. It’s like this town is totally cut off and sheltered from the rest of the world and the powers that be here must have all the bases covered and can get by with whatever they desire. The locals like the nation seem to care more about stinking Hollywood and their trash, the nasty ugly Kardashians or Beiber instead of about our rights and freedoms. We are supposed to be PC and be community minded and loyalist even though the system, the locals, special interest groups, the animal rights idiots and politicians all don’t care about the individual except for a vote and phony praise they don’t deserve. Pretty sad in a county of around a hundred thousand and town of sixty thousand plus the college kiddies I find myself alone in my thinking and wants for freedom, individual rights, ‘oath keeping,’ and thinking America and real Americans and veterans should come first, period. But instead I am encompassed by communist and Agenda 21 freaks and Israeli loyalist thinking they should be number one and not us. For many we are not heading down a slope or sliding down the pit… we are there and have been. The noose is just getting tighter and our hands are tied, and few care. All with those in DC and local government being well paid, above the rest of us and certainly not loyal to America and our needs.

Name me one freedom someone might think I have and I can show them, inform them, where they are very wrong. We are in the pit and now have to dig our way out.

Carolyn January 27, 2014 - 8:38 pm

You are NOT alone. Good friends of mine live in your town. They both believe in freedom, morals, and the foundations of what you fought for. They are probably younger than you by a generation, but they have caught on to the idea that their government will do little to help if the SHTF and to that end are newly-minted preppers.
You are not alone.

ThatGuyinCA January 28, 2014 - 10:06 pm

1.) Concerning or relating to what is right and wrong in human behavior.

2.)Based on what you think is right and good.

3.)Considered right and good by most people; agreeing with a standard or right behavior.

Not sure what YOU mean by morals but I don’t read much about a high murder/crime rate in that area so it sounds like there are morals present so your friends must fit right in.

Actually, I’m pretty sure what you mean by morals. I don’t understand why you just can’t call them God fearing people. Morals have nothing to do with religion. They exist outside of religion. If that wasn’t the case every non-believer would be a liar, theif, murderer, rapist. Don’t be ashamed of being a believer.

Templar January 27, 2014 - 2:52 pm

As usual, you’ve hit the nail right on the head. You reminded me of one of Robert Heinlein’s great quotes: “You can have peace, or you can have freedom. Don’t ever count on having both at the same time” BTW, I’ll take freedom any day. As I’ve said here before, the present-day police-state mentality is what got me out of Engineering & into Law Enforcement; it’ll be a cold day in hell when I use my badge to push anyone around.
The financial instability in the world coupled with the overall stressing-out of the populace is most certainly putting humanity on a knife-edge trigger— it isn’t gonna take much of an event to cause an Event. Keep up the good work. And for God’s sake, KEEP ON PREPPING!

Jarhead Survivor January 28, 2014 - 4:53 pm

I know you’re one of the good guys, Templar. It’s one of the reasons I haven’t given up on this country yet, knowing there are good people still out there.

How do we get the good ones into the government though?

R.C. January 27, 2014 - 4:53 pm


I agree with your points, but I wanted to highlight this one in particular:

“As a nation we’re more interested in Justin Beiber’s arrest than we are in the poverty that plagues our nation. People either don’t see it or don’t care, but either way it’s a problem that we need to wake up from.”

I don’t typically subscribe to the Alex Jones sense of conspiracy (and yet I know what that kind is LOL) but this issue is about who is controlling the message and putting that Beiber crap out there.

Because when I talk to people I know about the issues that weigh on their minds, it isn’t Justin’s DUI, vacationing in Panama, etc, it is about tyranny, joblessness, finances, and pulling their shit together.

I myself, who has been prepping for some time now just recently got my water situation fixed, was working towards backup power generation ideas when we got hit with a gas pipeline explosion in Canada that directly affects those plans. LOL (at the irony, not the explosion)

Then the wife and I sat down to list all the “must do” projects we need to work on. I am at 16 and that number is growing LOL.

Oy Vey!

Pineslayer January 27, 2014 - 5:42 pm

I am a card carrying member of CJ’s Doomer Brigade.

Seems like every election cycle more ka-ka hits the dispenser. The big question is why more people don’t prep. The answer is obvious, apathy and ignorance. I suppose some people just want to live with nothing but happy thoughts and are afraid of thinking about a reset. I don’t like thinking about that stuff, but unfortunately I read a lot of stuff that leads me to believe that we are screwed. Maybe if I read nothing but fluffy stuff I could walked around in a euphoric daze too 🙂

To the point, I prep to see to it that my girls have a chance to live a good life through the crappy times. Until things really get fixed I will keep the pedal to the metal.

Jarhead Survivor January 28, 2014 - 5:33 pm

Apathy and ignorance. Two staples of the American diet these days.

Francesca Steele January 27, 2014 - 5:54 pm

If you have doubts, don’t fret. I took my son to Red Robbin last evening and watched as a police man in uniform walked three German Shepard Riot dogs around the restaurant. My town has less thank 30k people in it – half of those kids and elderly, so WTF. We also have a National Guard camp which used to have a FEMA sign on it. An older neighbor told me that they dug down 10 stories to build there – lots of large HAARP-like antenna on this compound – so you tell me, what is ‘normal’ about this in a small town? Everyone, just look around.

ThatGuyinCA January 27, 2014 - 6:01 pm

A message to all those on here who bark about the media leading the sheeple. It’s untrue. It’s the sheeple leading the media. They are a corporation, just like any other. The reason “we” care more about beiber is because that’s what gets the internet hits. Whenever you click on a story, you are essentially voting for more. If this piece went on a major news outlet and got a shitload of hits, guess what? We’d see more articles like this. Look around. You can buy “prepper” type food supplies at Costco, etc. “Doomsday Preppers,” “Doomsday Castle,” etc. That does not necessarily mean it’s going to happen, it just means more people are buying into the concept. As for what it will look like; If it isn’t some huge natural disaster/nuclear strike, it’s going to be more like an Argentina/Greece than a mayhem and bedlam back to the 1800’s type of thing. It can and will get ugly. Learning to be as self sufficient as possible is good but you won’t survive by yourself. Keep on prepping but don’t withdraw. Get active. Don’t be partisan either. We are better and stronger united than divided. Find the common ground not the differences. If it has to do with religion, leave it out of your politics or you’re no worse than the taliban. If it tramples individual freedom in any way leave it out of your politics or you are no different from the gun grabbers. Individual regulation; bad, corporate regulation; not as bad. Sorry, went off on a little tangent there.

I agree that something is coming. What that something is . . . . just prep and build community.

Ray January 27, 2014 - 6:04 pm

Y’all are falling for the “divide and control” propaganda machine. NO ONE outside NY or LA cares about Justin Diaper, Kim da Hoe, OR Katy the Commie satin worshiper. We don’t watch the grammies -MSNBC- FOX or listen to Rush. BUT if you watch the evening news you would think that half of America is obsessed with Red haired drug addicted prostitutes who make(really bad) movies. I only hope we can find the strength of our ancestors in time and in such numbers, that we can give our children a chance at a nation free from tyranny.

Roseman January 27, 2014 - 7:04 pm

No question we are sinking fast. No religious overtones here but I think the beginning of the end commenced when the Supreme Court concluded that terminating a pregnancy was a choice. The debasement of human life was a signal to our citizens that life is no longer sacred or even important.

The liberal elite control our education system. They talk a good game and excel at verbiage demonstrating their compassion but do you really believe that they want students to learn to think? They want them to learn about political correctness and to feel good about themselves. If they are taught critical thinking skills, many may figure out what’s really going on.

The police state and surveillance programs have eroded our freedoms. It amazes me that we are becoming so conditioned to these abuses. The recent Boston bombing is a good example. How many apartments were searched without warrants. If you were in one of those apartments and you refused entry without a warrant, what do you think would have happened to you?

In our history, no fiat monetary system ever survived. Our government knows this but since history is not being taught, they foisted this on us anyway because they are so much smarter than all those that failed previously.

The economy is not getting better because there are not enough jobs. The actual number of people working now is the same as it was in 1978. That is a scary statistic especially realizing our population has increased since then.

Prepping is very important and becoming more so every day. Your blog is doing all of us a valuable service.

Matthew January 27, 2014 - 10:16 pm

Daycare where I’m at is $250-$275 a week for ONE kid. Yikes. Would love to have two kids but don’t see how.

Farmer Ken January 27, 2014 - 11:19 pm

whats a bieber?

Wally January 28, 2014 - 2:06 am

HA!! Thanks for the laugh!

Steve Suffering In NJ January 28, 2014 - 2:21 am

That guy,
I see where your going with the internet hits on storys. I’ll give you that.

However, the media had completely failed the American people. Have you seen any hard questions asked of any of our politicians?

They get softballs lobbed at them from the media. They give complete horse crap answers that have nothing to do with the questions asked. The “journalist” doing the “interview” accepts the horse crap hook line and sinker and moves on.

How about some real questions about fast and furious? Bengazi? The effin health care web site?!! No one in the media is holding any of the political elite accountable for anything. So I do not buy the people are leading the media. The media is either bought, intimidated or is in bed with the politicians and there progressive agenda.

Do internet hits push stories, yeah I guess your right to a point.
Any 13 year old with a crush on this bieber kid can click on a link.

How many American do you think would watch someone willing to ask hard questions and not take fluff and BS for answers interview Hilary Clinton on Bengazi?
There would be plenty or ratings and “Internet hits”.

Sorry but not buying the sheeple drive the media.

ThatGuyinCA January 28, 2014 - 11:02 pm

See, the problem is, you are coming from your point of view thinking you are the majority. I don’t think most people want to hear too much about Benghazi. The general public doesn’t give a crap about it except that people died. They would be interested in finding out what can be learned but not the political grandstanding involved in the process. People are SICK of the political grandstanding. They don’t want “answers,” they want solutions. They want the REAL problems affecting this country fixed. They don’t give a crap about the grandstanding of blame. THAT is why fewer people watch or care, because that is all it is.
As for the health care website, that was a clusterf*ck. But the majority of people don’t want to hear about anything other than what they are doing to fix it, not pointing fingers and more grandstanding.
Sure the media can be manipulated by limiting access. But if the majority want to know or want something, they’ll get it. And by majority I mean 60% or more. If you don’t have that kind of majority then it’s all about, next scandal. Whatever keeps the most people glued to the TV/computer screen. If nobody’s watching they don’t get paid.
In response to your question, not as many as you think. And for the record, her testimony was televised and she frickin schooled the grandstanders. https://www.upworthy.com/hillary-clinton-eviscerates-tea-party-senator-for-missing-the-point-of-the-bengh
Didn’t see much on it after that because quite frankly, the majority of America agreed with her sentiment. If not, it wouldn’t have gone away. The “hey, something shiney” principle would not have worked because the public would not have been sated. So you can go ahead and think it’s some big conspiracy and I won’t totally disagree that media does try to steer the viewer in a particular direction (CNBC, Fox, etc). But if they don’t want to go there, the networks will change tack in the direction the people want to go. Like I said, if people don’t watch, they don’t get paid.
I hate to say this but people like you (the people who want what you are asking for) are probably less than 30% of the overall viewing public. Look at the Christy Scandal. The liberal media has moved on from that (at least I don’t see it tattooed all over MSN like it used to be). Because most people know all they need to know about it. It was a scandal. Until something new comes out; like it was a directive directly from Christy (which I personally don’t think it was) fewer and fewer people are clicking on that story, moving it slowly out of the public eye.

Anonymous January 29, 2014 - 12:52 am

That guy

And you are approaching this from your point of view are you not?

Political grandstanding is not what I’m talking about. Just the opposite. Accountability is what I’m talking about. How much. Was spent on the healthcare site? I’ve seen quotes of 500 million. True? Who knows…. However I think someone needs to be held accountable for spending that type of money (our money) on a GD website.

As far as Bengazi is concerned I’m pretty damn sure every service man and women would disagree with you. There asses are on the line and I’m sure there wondering if this admin has there backs. From there performance so far I would have some pretty serious skepticism.
Don’t forget they tried to tell us it was over a YouTube video.
My point is accountability. We’re getting snowballed an people know it. It’s a complete failure of the media.

sweetpea January 29, 2014 - 3:25 am

The administration and Clinton are hoping Benghazi goes away. The MSM is doing their best to keep it out of the news. But the fact remains that Clinton and Obama screwed up big time and let these poor bastards die. Then they covered it up. They and others are as yet unendicted co-conspiritors. We need a special prosecutor and heads should roll. What were they covering up? What did they know and when did they know it? I am hoping that after the next congressional election there is a “real” investigation and that a special prosecutor is appointed to get the truth. There were high crimes and misdemeanors committed and it is way past time for impeachment.

T.K. January 29, 2014 - 4:04 pm

Your reason and critical thought is a breath of fresh air, but its going to draw out the crazies. Get ready for it…

ThatGuyinCA January 29, 2014 - 5:30 pm

Thanks TK. I’m ready.

ThatGuyinCA January 29, 2014 - 5:50 pm

Yes Anonymous, I am coming from my point of view. My point of view is this. Just because I care about something doesn’t mean the majority of the population does. My viewpoint is the media responds to what the public wants. What’s the most expenisve advertising on TV? That’s right, the superbowl. You know why? Because a large portion of the veiwing public want to watch the Superbowl. So you just don’t have “the Superbowl” you have an entire two week build up of hype and reports and stories around it. Why? because it’s what people want and helps trump up the game.

Your viewpoint is that if it’s important to you and the people in your circle (who usually are like minded). Then it must be important to everyone.

One veiwpoint is micro, one is macro. I’m not saying you can’t have your viewpoint. I actually welcome it. I’m not even saying your issues are unimportant. I even welcome you viewpoint and would welcome it even more if I disagree (differing opinions is how we expand our understanding). But I think you are grossly over estimating the amount of interest in your subject matter. I’m just saying you aren’t being realistic in your expectations or understandings of the way the media works. It’s not some big conspiracy. There’s a big reason why Fox is the only national conservative news outlet. It’s because the market isn’t big enough for two. On the flip side, look how great Gore’s network did. If the media was a big liberal conspiracy as you say, he would have made a killing. But he didn’t. It’s now defunct (and has been for quite some time). Why? Because people didn’t tune in. Nobody tuning it, no advertisers. No advertisers, no money. No money, no more network.

T.K. January 29, 2014 - 4:10 pm

‘Every servicemember’ knows first hand how easy it is for anything simple a government (any government) does to get screwed up in no time flat. Something globally sensitive and complicated, like the Benghazi response, is even quicker to be bungled. Don’t attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence.

Schatzie Ohio January 28, 2014 - 12:19 pm

The freedom to move from there and find another place that you would fit in.

smokechecktim January 28, 2014 - 12:07 am

I read that a company has an app that will delete any mention of the beb or cyrus on your phone or laptop. The bottom line is that the majority of people in any given country are sheeple. They are concerned with living day to day and usually don’t look beyond this weekend. People in smaller countries don’t have to prep because their day today struggle just to stay alive is what we will become.

Noisynick January 28, 2014 - 12:12 am

Good Points Everyone………. Its gotten to the point in my opinion that Take care of those closest and let the Chips fall where they will.
Whether it a World Wide SHTF event or a Personal one on an individual Level. Being prepared will always lighten the load if not
Save the day in most cases. Most of our troubles can be traced right back to US. And so can the solution to our problems………..

Ned Ludd January 28, 2014 - 3:36 pm

I think too many just don’t want to care, the whole “It won’t happen to me” mindset. The “News” has become an entertainment source not a dissemination source for information. It is too difficult for people to believe they have been played for their entire life.
I have been trying to talk to my brother about some of these issues like Federal reserve policy, just in time grocery delivery, aging decrepit infrastructure, etc…He fails to see any problems, the system is working just fine. After visiting at Christmas I had a realization a couple of days later, I realized he is so indoctrinated into the system he cannot believe it could fail him or he would be a failure. He has followed the system; a degree in engineering, a nice house in the suburbs, 2 Mercedes in the driveway, etc…and MAYBE a weeks worth of food in the pantry, no water in the house except the municipal tap, no candles (they are dirty).
As a society we have not seen real adversity since the end of the great depression and society has become complacent.

ThatGuyinCA January 29, 2014 - 7:14 pm

As an engineer, he would understand the massive issues. What type of engineer is he? Structural, electrical, envrinmental? Use his expertise as a way to show him. If sructural I’m sure he is aware of our crumbling infrastructure, which would take a WWII type war effort to shore up (and who has the political will/power to do what’s necessary there). If environmental, talk about the spill ruining the groundwater in W. VA. If electrical have him read the governments EMP Commissions report. Actually, everyone should read that thing (it’s scary enough). He probably won’t buy in like you have. Stay way from conspiracy shit and talk about real world, this is happening now. Especially if stuff is in the news.

T.K. January 30, 2014 - 12:01 am

Regarding the EMP report, back in early December I was fortunate enough to have a two hour talk with Dr. Peter Prye, one of the chief authors of the last two. All I gotta say is…wow…that’s my pick for SHTF. The good news is: Cars will work. So there’s that, at least.

ThatGuyinCA January 30, 2014 - 5:44 pm

Indeed. TK. I started “prepping” as I have just happened to be lucky enough to actually be within 20 miles of the epicenter of the last three big CA quakes when they happened and stayed in the aftermath for a few day at least. It was the last one (the Northridge quake) that really got me in a prepping mood (at least having a weeks worth of water stored). Someone I used to work with told me about the “prepper” community while I was encouraging another co-worker to at least have a weeks worth of water handy (water mains bust like crazy in a big quake). He introduced me to Fernando’s book and blog. From there I heard about EMP and read the report. Holy crap! That’s cool though. That would be one interesting and scary talk. I’d love to hear what he did after the commission broke?

T.K. February 9, 2014 - 9:55 am

He’s still in the same line of work and will probably be on the next commission (there’s been two in the past decade, if I’m not mistaken). Prye is very, very passionate about getting the word out on how vulnerable we are, and very well informed about the logistics of repairing damage and credible threats from rogue nations and terrorist groups. Unfortunately, realistic concerns like this get lumped in with the tinfoil crowd and he has a hard time getting heard and taken seriously.

Wendy Barie January 29, 2014 - 12:33 am

So many good points here. I somtimes feel like the media is more like a slight of hand trick. IRS Bengazi there’s nothing to see here folks but hey check out Beiber. There are those of us who still care about these things, plenty of us, but even us working folks
Are finding it is harder just to get by. The sheeple, well they’re caught up in normalcy bias (this is the Way it has been and always will be). I am worried for those who see no problem. Do you supposed when the Jews stepped on the trains they told their children “it will be fine why would they want to hurt us?” Just saying.

Wendy Barie January 29, 2014 - 12:37 am

So many good points here. I somtimes feel like the media is more like a slight of hand trick. IRS Bengazi there’s nothing to see here folks but hey check out Beiber. There are those of us who still care about these things, plenty of us, but even us working folks
Are finding it is harder just to get by. The sheeple, well they’re caught up in normalcy bias (this is the Way it has been and always will be). I am worried for those who see no problem. Do you supposed when the Jews stepped on the trains they said”it will be fine why would they want to hurt us?” Just saying.

John January 29, 2014 - 6:59 pm

Quit whining like a bunch of little bitches and stand up and fight. If you’re not willing to grab your guns and go to war, shut the fuck up.

ThatGuyinCA January 29, 2014 - 7:43 pm

You people are cracking me up. “This country has problems yet all people are concerned about is Beiber and the Kardashians. You hear nothing about Benghazi or the IRS.” Well I say, what’s the frickin difference. None of them are helping me get a job. None of them are improving our economy. None of them are affecting my daily life. And NONE of them are fixing our countries problems. Some people are distracted by Beiber, some people are distracted by Benghazi. And yes, Benghazi is a distraction. Keep your constituents fired up about Benghazi so you can distract them from the fact that we shut down the government over a bill we couldn’t overturn or actually do anything about. A bill we never put our efforts to try to fix, just make go away even though we didn’t have enough political power to make it go away. This is NOT an anti-Republican rant. This is trying to pull the curtains back for the people who don’t think they are being manipulated. If your eyes are open, they are open to ALL efforts to manipulate. If you have a representative who takes a hard stance and refuses to negotiate, get rid of him. That means nothing will ever get done and he will try to manipulate you to make you think HE (or she) isn’t the problem.

Yes, I know, I’m in CA with two of the worst Feinstein and Pelosi. I don’t support either and I try to encourage everyone I know not to but I’m a minority in my state. But I’m not leaving, they can’t chase me out. I just keep fighting with my intellect and calm words.

T.K. January 30, 2014 - 12:23 am

The trouble is there’s Rational Thinkers, and others Emotional Thinkers, and never the twain shall meet. Its pretty easy to figure out which is which, just look for the capslock and clumps of typos…*cough*

A rational person believes in X but learns of evidence that X is wrong. He will digest this then live his life from that point on as if X was true.

An emotional person believes X is true, hears it isn’t, and manufactures reasons to keep believing in X in the face of any and all levels of evidence…and IMHO they’re quickest to state how truly rational they are because only they know The Truth, but that’s not textbook its just anecdotal from my years.

So, moral of the story is: If you’re on a quest to expand minds (and we all should be) its worth understanding right up front who’s a waste of time, and who’s receptive to new things. Much more efficicient that way.

ThatGuyinCA January 30, 2014 - 6:05 pm

Excellent post sir. I totally agree with but I have fun in the debate with them anyways. I just like the mental exercise of trying to understand where other people are coming from. Even if its from “area 51” it’s still interesting to see how the idealology was built and nurtured.

ThatGuyinCA January 30, 2014 - 9:47 pm

No one?! Really?! That explains the Kardashian Kollection at Sears and K-Dash on QVC (both hotbeds of CA and NY shopping culture). And I guess it’s all those LA and New York people traveling to all Beiber’s concerts all over America. Just another person with an unrealistic view of the world. Just because you wish something to be true doesn’t make it true. Don’t get me wrong, I can’t stand any of them either. And in watching the news I wouldn’t think that half of America is obsessed with . . . I KNOW that half of America is obsessed with . . .

TS in PA February 7, 2014 - 1:42 am

I am in the very same situation BC. We continue to do the best we can with what we have and can acquire, I am convinced that the collapse the writer is hoping won’t happen is closer than any of us want it to be.

Anne May 18, 2018 - 8:18 pm

I’ve realized this as I’ve watched the destruction of our Society the US.

Material wealth, whether clothing, jobs, electronics, automobiles, homes or jobs seem to be paramount.

And then there are drugs. So many of our human resources wasted.


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