The Faithful Prepper: A Christian’s Perspective on Prepping

by Derrick James

by Aden Tate

faithful prepper

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How does prepping mesh with the Christian faith? Is prepping actually a sign of a lack of faith in God? The Faithful Prepper by Aden Tate seeks to not only answer such questions, but also takes a look at a number of other post-disaster scenarios and some of the things a Christian will have to think about in each of them.

Covered topics include:

  • How do you incorporate charity into post-disaster life without compromising your family’s safety?
  • How do you live with others in confined circumstances in a very dangerous environment?
  • What is the role of the church post-disaster, if any?
  • Who do you let stay at your retreat post-disaster, and who do you turn away?
  • How do you live a prepared lifestyle, yet not one dominated by fear?
  • When bad stuff happens post-disaster, how do you cope?
  • How do you care for those who have special needs post-disaster?
  • And much more…

Aden Tate is a Christian writer who lives in The Beautiful South.

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