by Center for Army Lessons Learned

This Small Unit Night Fighter Handbook combines existing doctrine with night-fighting tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) currently used by light infantry squads and platoons. The dismounted battle drills found in ARTEP 7-8, MTP DRILL, form the basis for these TTP. The drills in Chapter 2 incorporate existing technology with current doctrine to overcome limiting factors experienced by soldiers and leaders at night. The result is a modified mission training plan for squad and platoon battle drills that enhance the unit’s ability to fight at night as well as deny the enemy his night capabilities or advantages.
These drills form the basis for a unit training plan. The techniques that are incorporated into the drills must be modified as the situation dictates, and may vary with individual unit SOPs. The leader’s METT-T analysis (referred to throughout this document as MTETT (mission, terrain, enemy, troops and time available)) must also take into consideration the enemy’s night vision capabilities, and the availability of equipment referenced in these drills.